S&P bees
New Bee
We would appreciate some advice as we are complete beginners. We started off with a swarm of bees in May. They have seemed to be doing well in that there are lots and lots of bees and brood. On the advice of our beekeeping friend we have been feeding them and not taken any honey with the hope they will get strong for the winter. We were told they need the whole brood box full up to be ready for winter. We put a super on top of the brood box a while ago to give them space and they have started filling those frames with honey even though there are still a couple of empty frames "downstairs". We put extra frames in the other day because there were loads of bees gathered around the front of the hive and we started to panic they were limbering up for a late swarm. I now think this was just a wasp-guard induced traffic jam. Who knows? Not us that's for sure. I'm wondering if we should leave the super on over winter with the honey in it, or if that will make the bees too spread out and cold. Or if we should take out the empty brood box frames and put the shallow frames in there. Also, We are thinking we should stop feeding now and maybe put some fondant in during the winter. is that right? Any thoughts very welcome.