How not to sedate your goldfish

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Aug 27, 2011
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My hives are located at the end of the garden, near the chicken run and small goldfish pond. Normally, I hold the inspection board over the goldfish pond and scrape off the pollen and bits for the fish to eat. Have done that for 18 months. All fine.

Until this year I scraped off the inspection board after the first varroa mite count (so the debris was full of thymol) and inadvertently sedated the goldfish. It was very upsetting, seeing them all lying around on the surface of the water slowly breathing, and knowing it was my fault. Even though they were probably feeling so spaced-out they were not suffering.

However, I spread chicken wire over the pond to protect them from predators, and they seem to have pulled through - touch wood - swimming normally albeit slowly and not lying on their sides.
I wouldn't have thought of that. Thanks for sharing.
upsetting for you but gave me a really good laugh