Honey in brood chamber

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New Bee
Jul 24, 2010
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South Devon
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I have just united a colony with a queen less colony with this configuration using national equipment
brood box with queen
queen excluder
queen excluder with paper (now all gone)
brood box with quite a lot of honey in it.
I have removed second queen excluder and put a crown board with a hole in on top of the second super and under the brood box to encourage the bees to store the honey in the supers, but am thinking is there anything wrong with leaving the bees to store the honey in the brood box and harvest it from there? Am I pointlessly getting the bees to move the honey around. http://www.beekeepingforum.co.uk/images/smilies/ohthedrama.gif
Thanks in anticpation.
First check your extractor is able to take national frames.

Is the BB stores capped?
First check your extractor is able to take national frames.

Is the BB stores capped?

Thanks for reply. Good point, stupidly didn't check. Will make that first task tomorrow.
If the frames won't fit your extractor you can carefully scrape off the sealed stores and let the honey drip through a double strainer.

The bees will clean the frames if you return them to the hive for a couple of days. If you want to store them for re-use it would probably be best to treat for wax moth. Or you can clean off the old wax, sterilise the frames, and re-wax them.