Honey, FODMAP and IBS

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Drone Bee
Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
north staffordshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
150+ nucs and hives
No not some hippy 60's band!

Having recently come back from Sri Lanka where I suffered a bout of Colombo Colon (as my ever-supporting SWMBO named it) I have been diagnosed with post-infection IBS and the FODMAP diet has been recommended.

In a simple nutshell, foods containing a fermentable carbohydrate are out, such as fructose, lactose etc. Before I took up bee-keeping I rarely ate honey but now (did) consume about half a lb a week - mostly on porridge (supposedly very good for IBS!)

Statistics reckon about 10% of the UK public suffer from IBS so given the potential link I'd be interested to hear the views of my fellow beeks. However, the stats also say that the over 55's are also less likely to be diagnosed, so maybe not..... :calmdown::ban:
It is so difficult to regulate a diet by omitting certain things. It becomes a nightmare of checking every package. But...... Depends on how bad the IBS is!
Interesting diet and reasoning though.
have you tried turmeric
it is very cheap from health food stores in either powder form or capsule
excellent for IBS and also arthritis and a multitude of other complains
my dog has it daily for arthritis and after seeing the amazing results i started taking it
it has worked brilliantly and i saw results very quickly ( 3 days)
just hope it works on stings.....haha
IBS is not a diagnosis.....but a group of symptoms, from which the doctors haven't been able to make a diagnosis. There is always a lot of...might be this...might be that...then they say IBS.....my IBS turned out to be Gluten intolerance or Coeliac. Took 13 years to make the diagnosis...lots of horrid investigations....ha ha...after a year of Gluten free...now can eat it again in small amounts. So much for IBS.....so don't give up with getting help. Try Gluten free yourself...it will help the IBS anyway...Good Luck.
Hmm must say the symptoms are much reduced since I started the fodmap diet. I'm lucky in the sense that I eat pretty healthily and avoid processed food so the change isn't too great. Could be my guts have recovered naturally but no way to know. I'm sticking with lactose free milk and avoiding white bread, the rest I will add one at a time and check for symptoms.

Something I do wonder about is all those times when I've felt fatigued for no apparent reason that I've put down to a 'virus'......
I struggle with IBS. If portion sizes are too big that will trigger it. Also mixing too many different types of food, i.e a dessert after a meal and I'm done for. Gravy granules, no way, I don't know why. I get brain fog with many different types of food and feel ridiculously moody and sleepy after most foods. I'm currently living on a diet of, granola and blueberries for breakfast, bannana and blueberry smoothies for dinner, and stirfry for tea (no garlic because that is a killer for me). Sunday roast lunch and I swell like a balloon and near a coma like state. Shame because I love them.

I'll have to try those turmeric capsules!

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