
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
Jul 3, 2015
Reaction score
North Devon
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Hello to all the forum members. I am a relatively inexperienced bee keeper, recently moved to North Devon from Jersey. I kept bees for a few years in the 80's before varroa was invented (!) and then for a couple of seasons in Jersey before we returned to the UK. Unfortunately, Jersey suffered an outbreak of AFB and my hives (like many in the Island) had to be destroyed. I now have one hive with a very industrious colony that have filled one super completely and are on the way to another. I'm still catching up with the new (ish) thinking on hygiene etc and will be asking lots of questions. Thanks in advance for the advice that I'm sure the combined "hive mind" will be able to give.
Hi Tim

Welcome to the forum - found a wealth of information on here, the search option well worth using - Varroa, well you just need to have a plan of action and monitor your bees at least 3 times a year. Not many that have resistant bees yet.
Hi tim have you joined the north devon beekeepers they are a great bunch well worth joining see you have experience with afb don't know if you are aware there have been several case of efb round these parts
Hi Hallshoney

Yes, I joined last year and got my colony through one of their members. Then forgot to renew my membership so had six months without contact but am a member again now. I would really like to meet bee keepers in the Ilfracombe area but haven't managed to yet, in particular to discuss my foolish mistake that I put in the Beginners section this morning. If you know anyone close by who could help, I'd be really pleased to contact them.
I should practice what I preach forgot this year to renew although I have dipped in and out for years when I first joined i must have been the youngest by twenty years

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