Hello from Italy

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
Varese (Northern Italy)
Hive Type
Hello everyone!
I'm Christian a beekeeper from North Italy.
I arrive here after a my friend (boca) suggestion.
I wish you all the best! A good beekeeping season for you and your bees!!!
I hope to be useful for this community!
Welcome to the forum Christian, from Wales.

Welcome from another part of Wales :)
I hope you are surviving all the worry about SHB. You're post on the other thread is a bit worrying.
Ciao Christian

I hope to be useful for this community!

You may well be!
With the Small Hive Beetle outbreak in the south of Italy, and presumably being able to read and translate local information on the outbreak, you may find questions coming your way.
If they don't manage to eradicate SHB there, then it will only be a matter of time before it reaches us.
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I wonder where German bees overwinter?
Welcome nee bee here enjoying this
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