The talk given by Janet Lowore, who has worked for Bees for Development for 8 years, gave us an opportunity to consider the importance of beeswax.
Most of the "organic " wax does indeed come from Africa as they use fixed (natural) comb not the western frame and foundation.
Providing "organic farmers" follow the set of rules, they qualify for organic certification/status. E.g. No fertilizers, miticides or pesticides, a 4 x 4 mile farm land area, phase out commercial foundation, don't kill bees, etc.
That ruled out the UK ( and the EU?), but even so there are some organic meat, fruit and veg producers here.
Surprisingly, given it's industrial size, Germany produces "organic" honey and wax, although the wax is apparently not sold just reused by the producer.
Although the rules seemed pretty stringent, air borne contamination, including cleansing flights, didn't seem to play any part in it?
I wounder if they police it better than the meat/food industry?
Still an interesting talk and food for thought?