I suppose I should make a record of my venture into beekeeping if only as a personal history to look back on.
It all began with the gift of a WBC hive containing a brood box and a queen excluder but no super, and with foundation which had become brittle and misshapen with age. The hive was well weathered but despite that had never been graced by occupation by anything but a few spiders.
I started reading up on bees and found my nearest supplier was Yorkshire Beehives. A drive over led to meeting Paul the owner and I spent an hour or so learning by listening to him and seeing his apiary. I left with new foundation sheets and other materials and new information to digest.
Following this visit and based on Pauls recommendation I contacted Barkston Ash Beekeepers. This led me to joining up and starting a course of practical visits which will continue throughout the season.
Following the first visit I spent some time researching beekeeping on the internet and came across the Beekeeping Forum which has provided another source of knowledge to draw upon.
I now have a hive with new foundation, a frame of used clean comb, baited up with lemongrass oil and waiting for a curious scout bee to find and persuade her sisters will be a desirable residence.
It all began with the gift of a WBC hive containing a brood box and a queen excluder but no super, and with foundation which had become brittle and misshapen with age. The hive was well weathered but despite that had never been graced by occupation by anything but a few spiders.
I started reading up on bees and found my nearest supplier was Yorkshire Beehives. A drive over led to meeting Paul the owner and I spent an hour or so learning by listening to him and seeing his apiary. I left with new foundation sheets and other materials and new information to digest.
Following this visit and based on Pauls recommendation I contacted Barkston Ash Beekeepers. This led me to joining up and starting a course of practical visits which will continue throughout the season.
Following the first visit I spent some time researching beekeeping on the internet and came across the Beekeeping Forum which has provided another source of knowledge to draw upon.
I now have a hive with new foundation, a frame of used clean comb, baited up with lemongrass oil and waiting for a curious scout bee to find and persuade her sisters will be a desirable residence.