Frame Types

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Drone Bee
Jun 13, 2014
Reaction score
Fylde Coast, Lancashire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Still just the 1
Hi, I'm brand new & looking to get my first hive.
I've been told that DN1 Frames with spacers are better to use than DN4, Hoffman.
It was explained to me that, as the frames would not be touching, they would be easier to deal with.
Is this so?
Hi, I'm brand new & looking to get my first hive.
I've been told that DN1 Frames with spacers are better to use than DN4, Hoffman.
It was explained to me that, as the frames would not be touching, they would be easier to deal with.
Is this so?

Horses for courses. I use Hoffman, because I HATE spacers. Cannot stand them and don't know how people cope with them.

But there are just as many who feel the same way about Hoffmans, I'm sure.
Horses for courses. I use Hoffman, because I HATE spacers. Cannot stand them and don't know how people cope with them.

But there are just as many who feel the same way about Hoffmans, I'm sure.


Nothing worse than spacers, Hoffmans work fine
I prefer Hoffman, but use both.

My first batch of frames were DN1, then I 'found' DN4.

However, I accidentally bought a few hundred DN1 frames a couple of years ago (instead of DN4), so am using them until they run\wear out.

... I always keep a pocketful of spacers, just in case I need to mix and match
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It was explained to me that, as the frames would not be touching, they would be easier to deal with.
Not really - spacers are much more faff - falling off at innoportune moments being just one bete noir for me - also, if you have to move/transport a colony hoffmans are much less prone to swinging about and crushing bees.
Thanks folks, Hoffman it is.

Hoffmans are designed for the brood box.
Definitely the way to start.
When you get old and cranky and develop your own prejudices, it might be different. If only because you have become determined to be contrary. (It seems to happen to quite a lot of beekeepers.) But start with hoffmans in the brood box.

However, in the supers you can experiment more freely.
I've gone round in a circle and come back to SN1's - but with a big BUT. I now give undrawn frames "hoffman converter clips" and pack them 12 to a national super for drawing, then, before they are capped, I move them onto 10-slot castellations (removing the clips for reuse on the next new box).
I've ordered the Hoffmans. Thanks again all.

Incidentally, am I showing my age when I recall that ITMA used to stand for; "It's That Man Again"? :ot:

Incidentally, am I showing my age when I recall that ITMA used to stand for; "It's That Man Again"? :ot:[/QUOTE]

Yes, welcome to the silver surfers club! :welcome:

Just to add a point, I have both DN1 and DN4, can't decide which I prefer atm however at a Bee conference earlier this year we were told by a commercial beekeeper with many years experience that in his opinion DN4 don't leave enough space between frames for fully grown drone cells and as a result using DN4 will result in stunted drones.

Thought I would just throw this in for info / discussion.
Just to add a point, I have both DN1 and DN4, can't decide which I prefer atm however at a Bee conference earlier this year we were told by a commercial beekeeper with many years experience that in his opinion DN4 don't leave enough space between frames for fully grown drone cells and as a result using DN4 will result in stunted drones.

Thought I would just throw this in for info / discussion.

Depends on the DN4 spacing i would of thought.
Just to add a point, I have both DN1 and DN4, can't decide which I prefer atm however at a Bee conference earlier this year we were told by a commercial beekeeper with many years experience that in his opinion DN4 don't leave enough space between frames for fully grown drone cells and as a result using DN4 will result in stunted drones.

Thought I would just throw this in for info / discussion.
I use only Hoffman, and think the drones are big enough. I like to use foundationless frames with starter strips and they will often build a lot of drone cells in the bottom half of the frame. Even when these frames are adjacent to each other there still appears to be beespace between them.

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