Feeding Poly Nucs

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What I do is put an eke on top of the nuc and feed fondant.

B+? Now now there is no point in pointing at US events as their cold is completely different to ours as you well know or should. Ours is WET theirs is DRY and our cold at plus2C is in a way colder or more miserable than minus 20C.


Of course. I simply meant that he overwinters bees at much colder temperatures than we encounter. In wooden boxes too. The only poly I have seen in his videos are a slab he puts on the top in winter. His bees seem to do ok. Of course, he selects for bees that form tight winter clusters.
All this talk about adding layer upon layer of poly just allows "soft" bees to get through the winter. It does nothing for selecting strong, healthy bees that overwinter well. In fact, it does the opposite IMHO
Weights .. can any one give me a average weight of a six frame Paynes poly nuc full of bees and stores that is safe and not to worry about..

Funny, I had a chap I have helped with his bees for the last year recently say the same to me. I have never weighed a nuc but a gentle lift of a corner will tell you if it is ‘light’, it really is obvious. As for worrying, I worry about all my nucs until I see them build up in spring and then think “what was that all about”
Funny, I had a chap I have helped with his bees for the last year recently say the same to me. I have never weighed a nuc but a gentle lift of a corner will tell you if it is ‘light’, it really is obvious. As for worrying, I worry about all my nucs until I see them build up in spring and then think “what was that all about”

I will give it a go tomorrow.. i aint no weakling so it is hard to judge weights.. unless i have felt the weight by hand.. hive wise i know what is good..but Nuc wise me is clueless..;)
I will give it a go tomorrow.. i aint no weakling so it is hard to judge weights.. unless i have felt the weight by hand.. hive wise i know what is good..but Nuc wise me is clueless..;)
If you have an empty nuc, lift one corner shortly before going to the one with bees, it will give you something to gauge weights.
I am sure you will be fine though
They weigh approx 8lb with six empty combs in, with bees,pollen and stores just over 35lb is pretty full.
Weigh them here with a spring loaded wooden frame which holds into each end in the recess, works on much the same principle as a log lifter, but a bit more refined.


Thank you for that.. i have them wood/log slinging clamps but i will give them a miss on the nuc in question.. the weights are more important to me which you have delivered..;)
Must be windy spot to need a four brick solution . Lol