Evo Stik Bostick?

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Whilst on holiday in Derbyshire there was an avert on TV for Evo Stik or Bostick which was a sealer and said....."chases the water away" or something like that.

Am trying to track down the exact name of this product if anybody knows the ad in question as its not on in this region....
Not sure if ultimately you wish to identify an advertisement or a product . . .

Evostick is a glue (made by Bostick) and Bostick originally used to be well known as a rubber sealant solution manufacturer, but that was 40 plus years ago.

Google "Bostick sealant" and fill your boots.

Alternatively let us know what you actually want, in terms of what you require it for, and we might be able to help you a lot easier, rather than helping you find the advertisement.

That was a bit like, "The answer was 42, so what was the question?" The meaning of life.

I used a clear silicone sealant and routed sides/ends to mount the panels for my Ashforth feeders. Routed the slots, filled them with silicone and fitted/glued it all together.
Not sure if ultimately you wish to identify an advertisement or a product . .

The clue is in the question.
@Dishmop, was that the advertisement you were looking for? :)

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