Does anyone have a blog away from the forum.

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Tom Bick

A friend has planted a seed and has got me thinking about starting a blog. I know we have a simple blog section on the forum but is there anyone with experience with Wordpress or similar.
I used to have one on Wordpress - I don't any more so can't link you to it, but Wordpress makes it pretty easy to set up and run. You can customise it to look nice with various themes, add tags, add photos etc
It's very straightforward to use.
I have one with a google account..... B l o g s p o t. It is free and really easy to use and customise.
Thanks for the replies, I know a couple of people at my association who both have excellent blogs on wordpress that I regularly read so sort of know the layout but I will take a look at Google enrico. If you fancy linking it or pm as I will be interested to take a look cheers.
Thanks for the replies, I know a couple of people at my association who both have excellent blogs on wordpress that I regularly read so sort of know the layout but I will take a look at Google enrico. If you fancy linking it or pm as I will be interested to take a look cheers.

I have pm'd you but if I can get it to print out here by using spaces it is nine-ninenine. blog spot . co . uk
A friend has planted a seed and has got me thinking about starting a blog. I know we have a simple blog section on the forum but is there anyone with experience with Wordpress or similar.

I suppose it depends on your reason for blogging. If you intend it to be available to interested beekeepers then the blog section of this forum is best in my opinion. That way its open to sensible comment or questions and easily accessible. Going elsewhere means your blog is hidden from most of the fraternity. Who knows it may even help someone struggling with similar situations?

been blogging, before the word, was invented....i now use a heavily customized Wordpress source, self-hosted.

but me thinks blogging could now be regarded as old hat with Web 2.0, and Google+/Facebook/twitter now get larger audiences!

plenty of Wordpress blog sites available to start your own...

my blog concentrates on me, a day in the life at andysworld!

you'll find it on Google!

I do not allow comments, on my blog, because you can spend all your life, answering comments and posts, and there is the spam! I still get too many emails a day from people, about many posts....

originally my Blog, was for Family and Friends, to catch up on what I was up to, rather than sending them all individual pictures etc, and it's grown, but it does cover many different topics, and it's very varied!
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Thanks enrico and perhaps I may be similar if I start set off with all good intentions and then run out of steam. I have not completely convinced myself yet but leaning towards having a go.

I know what you are saying John but will be looking to expand things a bit more and perhaps thinking more online diary so that one day I can look back and remind myself what I did although these days last week is becoming hard.

Wow Andy that’s impressive and similar to what I have in mind not totally bee related but much simpler although I guess thats how you started and its obviously grown to a huge archive.

Tom, originally, I had two different blogs, Our House, and Fish House Blog, these were merged into Andysworld! and it became a Day in My Life, to blog everyday is big challenge, but unfortunately, because it's success and following (yes!), I've had to reduce the amount of blogging I do, because of the traffic and CPU it generates, and the Hosting ISP, was getting upset, as it was breaching terms and conditions, and they wanted to move me to a dedicated server! Sometimes, the downside, of some popular success!

I'm looking now at integrating with my smart phone, so I can photo and blog on the move, a bit like Google+ ish.

Anyway good luck with it, and pm, when you've got a URL, and I'll blog about you blog!

is there anyone with experience with Wordpress or similar.

Yes, I run one via Google on Bl0gspot. Forum software kills the link, so I won't try.

Templates are easy to use, personalising the thing is also easy. The hardest is finding what to write!
If you need help with Wordpress Tom I work in web development with this software a lot.
Just thought I would resurrect this thread to say thanks to to the advice and I started a blog at the end of last year and I am rather enjoying it. The only problem was to think what to say as the winter is perhaps not the best time to start one especially if beekeeping plays a big part. I still have to sort out some of the cleaver tools Other people play with but that will come in time. I would recommend you have a go and a good way of keeping a sort of diary.
A friend has planted a seed and has got me thinking about starting a blog. I know we have a simple blog section on the forum but is there anyone with experience with Wordpress or similar.


Wordpress is dead simple and works well off a smartphone, too, if you want the flexibility of knocking out a blog wherever you are (makes it more likely you will do it).
Just thought I would resurrect this thread to say thanks to to the advice and I started a blog at the end of last year and I am rather enjoying it. The only problem was to think what to say as the winter is perhaps not the best time to start one especially if beekeeping plays a big part. a sort of diary.

You could always help me with a bit of beekeeping in Southern Africa their next summer (October onwards)


Wordpress is dead simple , if you want the flexibility of knocking out a blog wherever you are (makes it more likely you will do it).

Coping alright in deepest Africa with it

And manage the club's website

If I can do it, anyone can
Wow just had glance on my phone and thats pretty impressive. I will have to sit down with the laptop tonight and see if I can learn something. Looks like an interesting place also.
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