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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
The One Show. Did I hear right?

Talking about a new road near Bexhill and someone said "its a beautiful (or lovely) part of Kent?
Not as nice as Scunthorpe
The One Show. Did I hear right?

Talking about a new road near Bexhill and someone said "its a beautiful (or lovely) part of Kent?

Now, there was I thinking that the point being made was that actually The One Show frequently has difficulty telling its rectum from its cubitum.
Bexhill isn't in Kent. Try East Sussex.

Most parts of Kent are rather lovely - but that doesn't include Bexhill!

What happens in Kent, stays in Kent!
Thank ..d for that...:)
Not entirely true. So beware!
I watched winterwatch last night. I enjoyed Spring and Autumn watch when good ole Bill Oddy presented but christ...I can't bear it now. Such a collection of condescending nobs explaining things as if they're talking to a 5 year old brain damaged child. ' Just shows how clever the sparrowhawks are scaring wax wings from a tree and causing them to knock themselves out by flying into a window'....no you dickhead, that is just coincidence, the sparrowhawk was doing what it normally does, flying after its prey. No Kate Humble neither, so you don't even get a bit of posh tottie

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