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New Bee
Oct 23, 2010
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after a two minet viset from my mentor 3hours he told me i was redy to take on a larger colony to put the next colony `at my forge on a x ww11 air base
to be corect to hive in era i am looking for dadant hive around this era to by or copy
after a two minet viset from my mentor 3hours he told me i was redy to take on a larger colony to put the next colony `at my forge on a x ww11 air base
to be corect to hive in era i am looking for dadant hive around this era to by or copy

i think dadants are often sold as "Langstroth Jumbo" if that helps..

i've seen them on a fair few websites, in poly and wood but no idea if they were local to you. sure you can download plans of the net somewhere to copy one if you like. or most companies will offer delivery, depends if you need to see it first.
Dadants and Langstroth jumbo are different but the brood boxes both take MD deep frames because they are the same depth (11.75"). L/s jumbo are 20" x 16.25" and hold 10 MD frames in the BB whereas Modified Dadants are 20" x 18.5" and hold 11 MD frames in the BB.

Langstroth jumbo use standard L/s supers, floors and crownboards whereas the Modified Dadants use their own supers, floors and crownboards. As well as being wider the M dadant supers are deeper than L/s supers and are therefore heavier (very heavy when full).

It's easier explaining this in inches as they were all invented many years ago before yer decimal stuff.
Dadants and Langstroth jumbo are different but the brood boxes both take MD deep frames because they are the same depth (11.75"). L/s jumbo are 20" x 16.25" and hold 10 MD frames in the BB whereas Modified Dadants are 20" x 18.5" and hold 11 MD frames in the BB.

Langstroth jumbo use standard L/s supers, floors and crownboards whereas the Modified Dadants use their own supers, floors and crownboards. As well as being wider the M dadant supers are deeper than L/s supers and are therefore heavier (very heavy when full).

It's easier explaining this in inches as they were all invented many years ago before yer decimal stuff.

oops thanks for that, think i mustof got the wrong end of the stick somewhere with frame sizes and such sorry Trevor
Hi trevor,

Whooaa there! Two minute visit? Important decision time here? If i were you, i'd do a little research before jumping in ? There is plenty of info on here (and elsewhere) about the merits (and inconveniences!!) of the various hive types? One of which is weight and as has already been mentioned, you need a good corset whem trying to lift a dadant?

As your other hives are wbc are you looking to move away from this type? None of the existing kit will be interchangable?

You might like to further consider that dadants are not common in the uk and as such there is not much in the way of supply? For example, there is virtually no parts included in txxxnes sales listings? This means you will pay top dollar for any dadant gear. If you decide later to sell you will only have a small dadant "customer" base to sell to - which means you get naff all for your top gear ? Add to this, no nuc supplier i have seen offers any bees on dadant frames?

As a thought, why is it important to have this type? Is it solely because it is
prevelant in this area?

Just a little look b4 u leap!!



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