Creaming from the start

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Jul 8, 2010
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Is there any reasonwhy I shouldn't seed a creamed honey as soon as the OSR has settled for a day or so and while its still runny (assuming its done at cool enough temperatures), or does it need to have crystallised first?
I will be honest my attempts of making lovely smooth creamed honey haven't been that successful but I don't think you want the OSR to be crystallizing thats why you add a seed honey and thoroughly mix it in.
Thanks Mike - I just thought I'd read somewhere that allowing the honey to crystalise before warming to blend helped somehow. Maybe I dreamt it:smilie_bett:
I was taught this method by a very successful vendor of creamed honey.

Extract, warm and filter.

Allow clean honey to set.

Warm clean honey to the point there are NO crystals in it. As it cools add seed.

Agitate for 12 hours, (both he and I were using pumps).

Allow to set.

Warm to merely mobile and bottle.

Worked for me. :)

PH (exported 4 pallets of same to Switzerland)
PH is right although the 'agitate for 12 hours' might be overkill - 'agitate until thoroughly mixed' would be my telling of it :)

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