contact email for denrosa

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New Bee
May 30, 2016
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East lothian
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Does anyone have an email address for murray mcgregor at denrosa they could message me please.

The one I have found on the Internet no longer appears to work.

Thank you.
Is David ordering some queens from Ireland😂
Never noticed this thread.

The demon address was finally Vodaphone who now own July 2020. Since then I am only on [email protected]

Not giving Jolanta's out on open forum as I don't want her deluged when already overworked...but relevant inquiries are welcome.

As for queens needing dealt with and cages sent in as posted byJBM back at the end of May. Not required...

For the home produced it is not needed anyway inside the UK (NI is now a third country for sending to).....and the Italian raised stock..which we finish with by late June every year...has had all that done for you by us so you need do nothing..even if you opted for the Italian raised stock. Will be doing an article for the authorities on how that works and how easy/difficult it is to do. As the importer it is OUR job to do just buy and install. It is all done above board under appropriate IPAFFS notifications and the NBU know what we brought in and can get a list of recipients at any time should they need it.

Appreciate there is a drift against and commercial type from the reception Patrick got...but I treat this as just giving the right info out in response to a thread...not initiating anything for publicity reasons...and Patrick surely had a right to reply to correct erroneous/incomplete info appearing about his company.
and yes...all the bees are on the heather now and all the boxes they will need are we have a couple of quieter weeks ahead. Hence a brief reappearance here.

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