Combine now or combine later?

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New Bee
May 15, 2016
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I currently have 3 hives. One is absolutely lovely and fine.

Another is a double brood but they have become an unpleasant hive to deal with and they're really tetchy so I know I need to request them.
The third is a split from the first hive (the lovely one) and this is the one I want to combine with the aggressive hive. Is it best to:

- Varroa treat the hives then combine.
- Combine and then treat.
- Let them overwinter separately and then combine in March(ish)

Thanks for any advice!
I would treat separately because of all the boxes and combine in the autumn so that you don't need to disturb them in spring.
- Let them overwinter separately and then combine in March(ish)

Yes, over winter them, combine or re queen in spring... when your at the right time of the season to easily rectify any problems that may arise.
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Yes, over winter them, combine or re queen in spring... when your at the right time of the season to easily rectify any problems that may arise.

Good advice .... from an expert ... don't mess with them now, if it goes belly up you have nothing to fall back on Spring lots of options.
I would treat separately because of all the boxes and combine in the autumn so that you don't need to disturb them in spring.

Treat for varroa now if they need it..... but don't combine until spring - lots more options when the colonies are building up to split, combine, requeen ... not ideal to do these things in the Autumn.
Good advice .... from an expert ... don't mess with them now, if it goes belly up you have nothing to fall back on Spring lots of options.

I NEED to get rid of my angry bees
AND i've exceeded Stan's tolerance capacity
Then take a risk. Don't let the bees rule your life.
As already stated, if all are strong colonies, take them all through Winter. You may suffer loss so keep your options open. There will be less bees to deal with in early Spring as well.
Thanks for all the advice. I'll combine them in Spring.

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