centre of super frames

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May 29, 2018
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East Sussex
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left empty

just bees thinking the queen can get up and leaving for her to lay?

will it self rectify/is it common/or you just leave as is etc?

many thanks for any experience on this...
You may possibly find they have drawn drone brood cells in that area and they are very reluctant to fill drone sized cells with nectar until there is no other space.
They are quite capable of drawing both worker sized and drone sized cells in the supers. What you can see in the photo is all the worker sized cells capped and filled with the honey, whereas the drone sized cells in the middle have been left empty.
Super cells means nothing, they are either worker sized or drone sized, you say they are large cells .....Perhaps a photo?
They do not recognise the excluder prevents the queen from entering and laying in the super and have prepared the cells in those areas for her to lay in. You see this in single brood box colonies with prolific queens and also in colonies that naturally would produce a vertical rugby ball shape of brood nest. You may also find they have put alot of pollen in those super combs. If you remove the excluder you will find the queen will soon lay in those areas.
Ok thanks, will get a photo soon

It is a prolific buckfast queen...tho is the colony we found a single charged q cell in on sun, checking again fri - q seen and eggs laid to edge of frames