Buying new suit

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Field Bee
Mar 25, 2017
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20+ nucs
Looking to buy new beekeeping suit
Im stuck between senitil pro 2 or swienty breeze . Anyone who has these could you let me know if there sting proof ..
My aus armor one was great but is needing replacement. The briars tear them too easily
No such thing as sting proof unfortunately.
Both of us have taken stings while wearing a vented suit, Sentinel & Swienty, we have quite a few of each.
I love my Swienty suit, and much prefer over the Sentinel, but loath the hood, also after eighteen months of commercial use my first one is looking like a bag of rags, they catch every snag possible. That's the reason for not willing to pay for a BB vented, there's just not the longevity in the materials.
I've not managed to burn a hole in any of ours, but Gruff managed a smoker size hole in a Sentinel suit.
I haven't time to remove inbetween sites and hood is now worse off for it, just doesn't sit right anymore and is really close to my face, wearing a cap I find is almost impossible.
I am currently having a suit altered to accommodate a fencing hood.
It's a dilemma being stuck between cheap disposable rubbish and a proper one that isnt quite right.
I have a really nice midrange one atm but the veil mesh is turning to dust already- just like a cheap suit does ,so I dont think that price point works either.
The aus jackets fall apart after one season and after you wash them there protection deteriorates
The aus jackets fall apart after one season and after you wash them there protection deteriorates

third season using a sentinel II suit - find it great. Airy and very few stings. None through the actual suit - just mild stings through the gloves on occasion. Oh - and one on my chin the other day but I had my face in the leaves of a tree shaking out a swarm and the veil was pressed tight against me. It’s held up well especially as I run it through the washing machine regularly
A big investment BUT the BB Wear Ultra Breeze is brilliant and guaranteed 5 years, it's a lot lighter than other vented suits and is thicker too.
I have Aus Armour the veil is horrendous and a Thorne vented which is poorly made.
I never owned the Swienty suit but I had a suit of the same construction with what I would describe as a flexible plastic waffle layer.

That suit was very heavy and slightly inflexible compared to the Sentinel II suit.

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