Hi all can anyone recommend a good set of gloves and and hive smoker many thanks
I suggest that you should spend your money on better bees rather than equipment that only encourages you to use bees that need such equipment.
I suggest that you should spend your money on better bees rather than equipment that only encourages you to use bees that need such equipment.
I've never been completely confident with nitriles so I use milking gloves which are a tad thicker but I found stings go through marigolds on occasion so it's down to the bees and technique.
Nail on head, it is a confidence thing with nitriles. And even when you are comfortable there is always the hidden bee under the frame lug.
But sometimes the bees determine the gloves!
So true...
I wouldn't wear them at all except I'm trying to implement barrier handling incase there is ever foulbrood in the area
Glove-less beekeepers make me grin.
Local mongrels and Cornish Amms will do that for you!
I have several colonies of Amm's, don't need a bee suit when working them either.
I would sooner see people dressed up in beesuits than see them being stung by agressive bees.Beekeepers dressed up like spacemen in their bee suits do the same for me.
Are they Cornish though?
You little bee whisperer!
Hi all can anyone recommend a good set of gloves and and hive smoker many thanks