Ban Smoking in Cars

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Ban Smoking

  • I wouldn't ban smoking in cars its private property

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • I would ban smoking in cars for the reasons given

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • I am a smoker and this is p*ss*ng me off!

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • I am not a smoker and this is p*ss*ng me off!

    Votes: 11 24.4%

  • Total voters
Never one to let a good argument lie, I decided to do a bit of research to see whether I was wrong with my assumptions about a utilitarian approach to the smoking ban. Checking your facts is always a good thing.

Nigel Warburton, senior philosophy lecturer at the OU says this about utilitarianism in his book Philosophy:The Basics (I have highlighted a few words that I think are pertinent to this debate):

"A utilitarian defines 'good' as 'whatever brings about the greatest happiness'. This is sometimes known as the Greatest Happiness Principle or the Principle of Utility. For a utilitarian the right action in any circumstances can be calculated by examining the probable consequences of the various courses of action. Whichever is most likely to bring about the most happiness (or at least the greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness) is the right action in those circumstances".

Hope that makes things a bit clearer for anyone who might be interested.

In my opinion - you've changed....... what an awful statement...... chilling even. The lives of little children in your hands - both from passive smoking and the potential for an accident while you're fulfilling your addiction... Our future in your hands .... whooop whoooop, I am ashamed on your behalf.

Ben P ;) :boxing_smiley:
Well, if a no smoking ban in the car is implemented (I would point out that smoking may well "soothe the savage brow" of the driver, hence resulting in higher standards of road safety*, but these days such statements are proscribed by the thought police), I trust that all other "distractions" are banned - definitely no kids in cars (parents are too often seen occupied with the occupants of the kiddie seat, rather than road conditions) - mobile 'phones, satnavs, video players, music centres - probably castration would be a good move to stop people rearranging their tentacles while driving, and nose guards fitted to stop them ending up elbow deep in a nostril while driving, and many drivers who just have to look at their passengers' faces to read the subtle non-verbal signs during conversation should have their licences revoked immediately!.....

(*I know of smoking's dangers, but there are "upsides" to it as well!" - I am now a non-smoker myself, but see no reason to remove the right from others)
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*I know of smoking's dangers, but there are "upsides" to it as well!" - I am now a non-smoker myself, but see no reason to remove the right from others)

I've saw my stepfather die of lung cancer (not from smoking) but I still agree that personal freedoms are being hacked away all the time - it's the principle of the whole nanny state that is galling.

The biggest distraction to drivers is other traffic - so let's ban that as well

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