At last, all ready to go, except for bees!

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A new Beek this year, just made a Kenyan Top Bar Hive to Phil Chandler's design, now all I need is to find bees to put in it! I really enjoyed making the Top Bar Hive, it was easier than I thought it would be, and looks quite elegant, considering it's home made.

I took a beginners course with my local Peterborough and District Beekeepers Association last year, but the was struck down with a slipped disc, so hefting langstroth supers was very definitely off my to do list! Then found the benefits of Top Bar Hives - no heavy lifting, and now I am ready to go. As I live in the centre of the City, I have room in the garden for one hive, but have also been able to find two other potential sites for top bar hives, so I am keen to get on and build my experience with bees. Best of all, I am due to retre in January, so will have plenty of time to devote to beekeeping on Top Bar Hives - something I intend to get on with as soon as I can.

I have just heard that I am one street away from another beekeeper, so I shall be knocking on his door soon to see if he would consider seeing me through the first season with advice etc - and if he has a split that needs a home, splendid!

Can't wait to get started...
I wanted plans for a topbar and did not know where to look.
googled Phil Chandler and found it. Thanks.
Have you got your bees? I have just bought my first package of bees. We hived them in the dark, did everything wrong, but the bees sorted out our mistakes!