Anyone do Goldwork?

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Jun 8, 2010
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Dartmoor edge, uk
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5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
I am making an ecclesiastical stole for my departing Vicar - and urgently need a goldwork pattern of ears of wheat...Is there anyone here who may have/know where to get one??

Please? Pretty please?:angelsad2:
Post passed to other half to deal with.

Don't spam any emails from 'laceandbits'

Regards, RAB
Thanks all. I've tried every suggestion, but no luck as yet - unless I want to pay $18 dollars for a book of transfers from the USA and $15 postage!!

I may have to bodge one - I'm more worried about scale than anything...and working on dupion silk I can't afford to muck it up
Try this:

I'm sure your vicar will be deeply touched by such a gift.

A stole is so much more than a piece of ecclesiastical finery. It speaks to the heart of our commission, the honour of our calling, the privilege of serving.

Well done you, Queens 59.

Again never ceases to amaze me the expertise on here. I have sent various messages to every site mentioned - and if I have to I shall send to the USA, but my money tree is rather ill at the moment. All spare funds having gone on a hotel for Simon's licensing in his new parish in March!!

The again perhaps I can create a pattern - but I only taught myself goldwork 2 weeks ago and am feeling a bit of a chicken!!
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Hopefully attached to this are 2 pictures of the fabrics living in hope of becoming this space...
Thanks Dusty - that means a lot...only got the wheat on the other end & neck cross to do, but quietly pleased. :)
Next stage - Gold kid leaves with embroidery in pure silk - and jap gold outlines...I had been aiming for Simon's licensing next week but have decided I would rather take my this space
Please remove image instantly .It may cause offence to people of other religions !!!!:willy_nilly:
Seriously it's beautiful , well done :D
Thanks! All I need now is to get a photo of it in focus :)

Oh yes and finish the embroidery, goldwork and then cut it out, iron it, face it, tack it, iron it, machine one edge, hand stitch the other...oooo my head!
It looks absolutely fantastic. Well done. not worthy

Please take some pictures of the finished piece, and show them to us.

An in focus piccy of the finished article pretty please not worthy

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