another swarm question

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Any good sized swarm is not going to be attracted to a nuc box.


I tried that one time when all I had was a nuc. The bees from the swarm investigated inside the nuc but decided against. The internal cavity in a nuc box is too small, the bees must know that they will out grow it.
Out of reach..

String with fishing lead weight on. Lob high up to drop over nearby branch, and allow the weight to drop back down. Replace lead weight with frame of brood , pull back up the tree to within 6'. They will move across to brood. When covered, lower to ground..

Wow. Wish I'd thought of that.

not worthy
Just received my copy of "The Essex Beekeeper," which, on the front cover has a picture of the ideal solution for you! It is an upside down plastic water container with base removed (the type used for office water coolers), which is attached to a long telescopic pole (the end of the pole should fit through the bottle neck to make a solid fit), the type used by radio hams. Extend under the swarm, a good shake and hey presto! Good luck

I got my copy today too. Don't fancy trying it though knowing my luck the whole thing would fall apart under the weight of the bees and land on my head.
Not with weight this time, but with a pruning pole lashed to a boat hook, with brood comb tied to end. I lent it against a high branch. It brought the swarm in to the brood frame. Lowered to the ground.. It was extremely heavy but I got it!
Thanks Yorkshire bee. Problem I have is that it was too cool to get in the hive today to take down multiple cells and leave one - nothing was flying - and the next few days look the same. 10 degrees and strong wind. I think I'm just going to have to hope that the weather holds them long enough that they have lost the urge now original queen no longer with them - not withstanding your comment about they will go when cooler. Then when the virgins hatch they fight rather than fly!

They have plenty of room (double brood, filling one and half supers with another empty one on top) they are just swarmy bees - think they are of Carnolian origin. I need to try and re-queen at some point later in season when my other less swarmy bees have raised some new queens. They were like it last year trouble is they were the most productive! Plus they are the grumpiest which is always the case!

BBC Weather says:

12C Sat
14C Sun
15C Mon
16C Tues
the bees must know that they will out grow it.

Grow out of it? Just not big enough even to start with!