An Inspirational Thought.......

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Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
Levenshulme, Manchester UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 - and steward of 8 others.
As the dark, snow-laden clouds gather overhead, and the piercing cold of winter penetrates the joints and marrow, I would like to share with one and all, an inspirational poem, handed on to me from my dear lamented father-in-law, who was to poesy what Ghengis Khan was to social work.

I was reminded of it in the cold, dark hours of last night, after a good curry.

You are invited to add your own wise words, to this thread.

(Clears throat.)

(Strikes dramatic pose: left hand on heart, head turned to the right, right hand and eyes raised to the heavens.)

"in Memory of Herbert Templeman Rooke"

The F*rt

The f*rt it is a wond'rous thing,
It gives the body ease.
It warms the bed on frosty nights,
And chloroforms the fleas.

I thank you.

Where ere you be,
Let the wind be free,
In church or Chapel.
Let it rattle .
How about:

pardon me for being so rude
but is was not me it was my food
it just popped up to say hello
now it`s gone back down below:blush5:
Here I sit, all downhearted.
Paid a penny; only farted.
While I sit here, 'midst clouds of vapour,
I realise some ****'s used up all the paper.
As the dark, snow-laden clouds gather overhead, and the piercing cold of winter penetrates the joints and marrow, I would like to share with one and all, an inspirational poem, handed on to me from my dear lamented father-in-law, who was to poesy what Ghengis Khan was to social work.

I was reminded of it in the cold, dark hours of last night, after a good curry.

You are invited to add your own wise words, to this thread.

(Clears throat.)

(Strikes dramatic pose: left hand on heart, head turned to the right, right hand and eyes raised to the heavens.)

"in Memory of Herbert Templeman Rooke"

The F*rt

The f*rt it is a wond'rous thing,
It gives the body ease.
It warms the bed on frosty nights,
And chloroforms the fleas.

I thank you.

Best thing I've read on here today:rofl: