A lot of drone brood

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user 3509

House Bee
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
In one of our double brooded national hives the queen is laying like crazy, but we have noticed something quite strange. It appears that she is filling the bottom box with just worker brood and laying a massive amount of drone brood, and some worker brood in the top box. Obviously the bees must have their reason for pulling out so much drone foundation, but it seems odd that it should only be in the top box. There is no drone brood in the bottom box. Anyone experienced anything like this before?
In my experience drone brood is always on the periphery of the brood nest. In my TBH it is very noticeable, often the first and last frames are all drone.
Mine seem to be laying plenty of drones this year particularly on the foundationless frames
Yes, the bees have drawn the frames out, a small area of worker comb but the majority that they have built it drone comb, and the queen has laid in both.
Winter preparations perhaps? Small brood area in top box with lots of honey stores in the drone brood?
trying to get the girls to draw out the new drone foundation I have given them, they will get there at some point :)
There are areas of worker brood in the top box,but the majority of it is made up of capped drone brood, whereas the bottom box is all capped worked brood or eggs.

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