Attended this weeks Apiary training session and inspected hives. One was reported as being particularly aggressive earlier in the week when the owner had tried and abandoned an inspection. The bees were given a whiff of smoke and allowed time to fill their stomachs before opening. The bees did batter at us but further judicious smoke application brought them under control. The hive was full so another super was put on. No queen could be seen although our trainer thought there was a virgin in there waiting to be mated. This may be the case but I am not sure. Time will tell.
Having a look into the society hives one had a rhombus clearer but the supers above it were full of bees. Further attention is required but it was commented that porter escapes would probably be more effective.
A demonstration of applying icing sugar through a mask board on top of the frames was given and finally a demo of a Nosema field test.
Having a look into the society hives one had a rhombus clearer but the supers above it were full of bees. Further attention is required but it was commented that porter escapes would probably be more effective.
A demonstration of applying icing sugar through a mask board on top of the frames was given and finally a demo of a Nosema field test.