1st June

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Warm, dry, with a light breeze. I have finally observed flying honeybees around home so there could be a chance of the baited hives being selected by a swarm.
Drove over to BABKA Apiary for todays practical session. A larger than normal group assembled so we split into sub groups each with an experienced tutor. Our theme being swarm prevention. One of the hives we inspected had queen cells with larvae which was judged at risk of swarming so a second brood was set up and we carried out an artificial swarm. Much more understandable now I have seen it.
During the inspections the supers were noted to be filling up and heavy so one of the hives had an extra super put on just above the queen excluder.
I learned that one of the beeks in the group had driven over to Goole during the week to collect a swarm. Things are definitely looking better as that is only a few miles from me as the crow flies even if driving round the road route adds another 15.
Also during the inspections one hive had a large chunk of drone comb with larvae. This provided the material for a demonstration of a varroa check. None were found so the colony was judged to be in reasonably low infestation condition.
A most interesting afternoon!

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