18 frames...into the harvest

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Vodka and a spoonful of honey mixed directly ensures you don't end up with buckets of the stuff that you can't resist drinking.

I have about 6 different flavour vodkas in the cupboard. One of the nicest is the fake contreaux one (An orange, 30 coffee beans, 30 spoons of sugar left in it for 30 days then drain).

We have a chilli one too - but I only read a few weeks after putting the chillis in that you're supposed to only leave them in for half an hour...
I've got a bucket of cappings from about 8 supers. Probably around 2 kg. How many litres of vodka do you reckon that will mix with?
I guess that would depend on how much honey you want in your vodka. If your aim is to wash your cappings clean.....probably one or two bottles. After draining you can add enough vodka to taste.
We can all come to your house to help......
Vodka and a spoonful of honey mixed directly ensures you don't end up with buckets of the stuff that you can't resist drinking.

I have about 6 different flavour vodkas in the cupboard. One of the nicest is the fake contreaux one (An orange, 30 coffee beans, 30 spoons of sugar left in it for 30 days then drain).

We have a chilli one too - but I only read a few weeks after putting the chillis in that you're supposed to only leave them in for half an hour...
Wow....that's dedication. Do you have a pot of yoghurt at the ready when you drink the chilli vodka?
The mention of mead etc reminds me of this:-

I found we had twelve bottles of mead stored away in the back of a cupboard. The contents of six of the bottles was sickly sweet, and the contents of the other six was sour and vinegary so it was decided that the mead should be poured away down the sink.
I withdrew the cork from one bottle of the sweet mead and poured it down the sink apart from one glass, and did the same with the other bottle of vinegary stuff. I found mixing the contents of the two glasses made very palatable mead, which I promptly drank. Then I with drew the cork from the second bottle of the sweet mead and poured it down the sink, apart from one glass and I did the same with a third bottle of vinegary stuff apart from one glass which I mixed and drank.
I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next; I drank one sink of it and threw the rest down the glass. I pulled the sink out of the next glass and poured the cork down the bottle and drank the glass. I pulled the next cork from my throat and missed the contents and poured the sink down the bottle. I then corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour.
When I had every thing emptied, I steadied the house with one hand and counted the bottles, corks, glasses and sinks with the other which came to twenty-seven. To be sure I counted them again and they came to seventy two and as the house came by I counted them again and finally had all the houses, bottles and corks and glasses and sinks counted except one house and one bottle.... which I drank.
:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2:......and I can jus imagine it happening that way.
We had a lot of honey vodka...much too sweet...so will have to cut that with more vodka. The cappings still had a lot of honey on them. So we found an old bottle of brandy in the cupboard...swished them with that...so now have 2 bottles of honey brandy.....it is divine!
Tremyfro, you have made me laugh !!!!!
I'm surprised,though, that you managed to find a bottle of anything old anywhere in your house.
Shock...horror???we have turned into honey junkies....or is that Alco's?
No really, a glass of vino sometimes with supper or a warming drink to sip in the winter when we come back from doing the horses.....that's about it. We have moved house this year so now have our horses at home but it will be yummy to sip something honey flavoured after battling with the windy hilltop, sort off bringing back the summer.
We have a cupboard full of spirits(alcoholic liquid type) that have been around for ages. So I had a little forage through them...Ta Daa....brandy from making the brandy butter at Xmas 2 years ago. Our home has been in boxes for almost a year!
I used to make loads of wine but life changing events put it on hold for many years. It is good, now that we are settled to bring out the demijohns, brush off the cobwebs and get them back in use.