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  1. dolbz

    Requeening advice needed

    Today was round two of this saga. Queen was located back at home. Found her much quicker which is just as well as they were really horrible this time. I dropped the new queen in later on in the afternoon and by this point the hive was as bad as any I’ve seen. Hundreds all over my veil and lots...
  2. dolbz

    Requeening advice needed

    I've just had the most enjoyable afternoon finding a queen who did not want to be found at all. Eventually I find her and get her into a queen clip where she would be safe while I put the hive back together. When I go back to 'deal' with her permanently I try to get her out of the queen clip and...
  3. dolbz

    Too late to upgrade nuc to a full brood?

    I've inspected today and found my nuc that appeared to be limping along has suddenly come alive in the 2 weeks since I checked them last. They've drawn and mostly filled the last two frames and are pretty crammed in there. There's a lot of activity going on and they weren't impressed with me...
  4. dolbz

    BeeBase - August 2017

    Where in your quote does it mention ventilation? :confused:
  5. dolbz

    Sugar and half

    No it's not wrong. People seem to get very particular about exactness with this part of beekeeping but forget that every other question has endless apparently plausible answers ;) Bees will vary the concentration for their uses anyway. I believe we use thick syrup in winter feeding as it...
  6. dolbz

    "Misusing Medicines and Substance Abuse" - NBU

    Thanks for the source Amari. I'd love to know if any cases have actually been bought against beekeepers if anyone knows more about that? No wonder treatment-free has growing support :laughing-smiley-004
  7. dolbz

    "Misusing Medicines and Substance Abuse" - NBU

    Can someone clarify if this is the case? My understanding is that as it's not an authorised medicine it would be illegal to sell as a bee treatment but there's nothing stopping you doing whatever you want to treat your bees?
  8. dolbz

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Today I marked a queen myself for the first time. I've previously just left them unmarked but I'm trying to expand my skills a bit. This has been a multi-week process. First couple of weeks I tried to pick her up with my hands but found I was shaking too much. In the mean time I acquired a queen...
  9. dolbz

    Veil comparisons

    I'm in the market for a new suit and would like to compare the veils of the various options. I think for me this is going to be the biggest differentiator between suits but there aren't any really close up shots of the veils in the marketing shots. From my experience with a cheapy Thornes...
  10. dolbz

    What type of suit? Round or hood?

    This also happens with the round style. The top of your head and forehead is pretty tight against the fabric so there's little protection in that area. The main part of your face is definitely better protected but it doesn't make any difference as you can still be stung on your head. I got...
  11. dolbz

    Wax moth?

    Nothing else needed. They'll always be around in some capacity. Kill the larvae if you see them but no active control is necessary. They don't usually cause any problems with a healthy colony.
  12. dolbz

    Unusual waggling/shaking

    I found a Seeley talk which describes this. I figured I'd link it in case anyone else is interested. The full talk is good if you can tolerate the video/audio quality. The tremble dance is described at about 25:25
  13. dolbz

    Unusual waggling/shaking

    Wow that's a new one to me. Thanks for the information and explanation. I need to do some more reading about it.
  14. dolbz

    Unusual waggling/shaking

    That was what I was thinking while I was there but couldn't see any in person either. I think Nige.Coll may be right, looking at it again they could be just getting the attention of others. I spent quite a while looking at this hive as I was trying to spot the newly mated queen. It may be...
  15. dolbz

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I checked on my two colonies today making the most of the gap between gales and more forecast rain. I restarted this season after a break last year following a loss in winter 2015. I've got two swarms, one collected and one baited. The first swarm is in a full brood box. It is starting to pick...
  16. dolbz

    Unusual waggling/shaking

    I'd appreciate any thoughts on the following video. This was a cast swarm that came to my bait hive. I put them in a nuc two weeks ago, fed them and let them get on with it. Today was my first proper look at them. All looking fairly good apart from a few doing this unusual shaking. My best guess...
  17. dolbz

    Emergency queen in the making?

    As the super that's on is nearly full and they're filling the brood cells that are becoming empty pretty quick. Should I not then? Yes Andre she was marked. It usually means spotting her is easy.
  18. dolbz

    Emergency queen in the making?

    Me too! I spotted her every inspection last season until the final one as I shut them up for the winter...typical! You can imagine what I was thinking all winter :rofl:
  19. dolbz

    Emergency queen in the making?

    I did wonder this as the bees weren't behaving any different from normal. I understand they are usually a bit upset when there's no queen about? This is a very good question. I don't usually fully check the supers(castellated spacers = rolling the bees :(). I looked at a couple of super frames...
  20. dolbz

    Emergency queen in the making?

    I've just returned from a disappointing inspection. No sighting of the queen for the second week and this week there's also no eggs (there are a few larvae). There was a single queen cell that I could see and I guess the white I could see at the bottom was royal jelly. I couldn't see a larva in...