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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Beekeeping as an activity?

    Encuesta sobre cómo considera la apicultura como actividad.
  2. F

    Films forum

    Like the thread of a box size has veered in a cinephile direction. I think it will be better if we detract the discussion to its own thread.
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    The magic triangle.

    El triángulo mágico. Esta semana tiene lugar una de las tradiciones más arraigadas de Galicia, "O Entroido" aunque la festividad suele ser el próximo martes, hoy tienen lugar numerosos desfiles de disfraces tradicionales y en concreto en el llamado triángulo mágico. Xinzo de Limia y su desfile...
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    velutin wasp

    Today in the local press I came across the incidence map (nests removed by seaga) of velutina over the past year. Galicia (northwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula) has an area of slightly less than 30,000 km2 (similar to Belgium or 1/9-1/10 of the United Kingdom). It is observed that the...
  5. F

    Is honey a premium product?

    Tras varias respuestas en dos posts estos días, abro este post para hablar de la calidad, el precio y la percepción de los apicultores y clientes de nuestro principal producto.
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    Nature, Legislation and Angels

    As I just explained in a post, I would like to continue in this new one the deviation that was caused in the main post. The title refers to nature, law and angels. The reason is to answer about. Wild swarms and their status within beekeeping legislation. and the angels?
  7. F

    Hives, Sizes and Management

    Good morning. I think that sometimes those beekeepers who have been there for a long time have or sometimes transmit the feeling that the hive, its size, its configuration and its management are identical. This causes beginners to find themselves lost in an immense sea. That is why I open this...
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    From Galicia to the world.

    Buenos días a todos los miembros del foro ya la administración por aceptar mi membresía. Escribo desde Galicia (España)