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  1. C

    Uniting during supersedure?

    Interesting idea. But will let someone else experiment and report back. I have just the one supersedure cell.
  2. C

    Uniting during supersedure?

    Thanks - glad I checked.
  3. C

    Uniting during supersedure?

    Hello, Looking for some advice. I have a hive that has turned nasty that needs dealing with. My plan is to unite it with a weak colony with a good temperament. The nasty colony is on 8+ 14x12 frames of brood + supers. The weak colony has a 2023 queen that is underperforming and struggling to...
  4. C

    Health benefits for eating wax comb.

    Look up: "Nutritional Significance and Metabolism of Very Long Chain Fatty Alcohols and Acids From Dietary Waxes James L Hargrove et al. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2004 Mar." Beeswax might be involved in regulating plasma cholesterol, but I would be careful about claiming anything.
  5. C

    beekeeping professionally

    Think it should be UK production/Total consumption (UK + imports) = 100 * 6.6/58.2 = 11.3% So wrong calculation but you ended up with the right solution somehow :)
  6. C

    Certan being withdrawn?

    XenTari With no sign of B402 coming on the market, what are people planning on using instead? I've seen US beekeepers talking about using XenTari, available on Amazon, which seems to have the same active ingredient. Has anyone tried it? Would it work?
  7. C

    Apiguard Treatment.

    I know the feeling! Too late now anyway.
  8. C

    Apiguard Treatment.

    Same for apilife var?