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  1. S

    Apivar - Honey super left on whilst treating

    Hi Folks, So last year for one of my hives I left them a Honey super on for stores as they seemed a little light going into winter. The hive consisted of a double brood and the super with no QE, at the same time I was treating with Apivar. The concern I have now is that the super as of now is...
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    Wax moth larvae

    No, they were purely for honey so above the QE. So are you suggesting all 22 frames are contaminated or just the 2 - 3 that have visible damage? In total it was only 5/6 larvae.... the damage wasn’t really significant.
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    Wax moth larvae

    Hi guys, I had two supers stored in my utility room that I didn’t have chance to extract as of yet. I looked at them today with the intention of extracting tomorrow and some how wax moth had gotten to them. I killed about 5 larvae and out of the 20 or so frames 3 - 4 of them had been damaged by...
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    Replacing old brood comb

    Hi folks, One of my hives is a double BB setup, I need to change the comb in the bottom box, if I place a QE over the bottom BB then place a new BB (with frames and foundation) on top and then the third existing BB back on top of that with the Queen in would this work? Also currently this hive...
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    Cut comb

    Hi folks, This year I fancy putting a frame in each of my supers especially for ’Cut Comb’ the query I have is regards to the frame. I’m guessing I don’t use wired foundation.... do I just leave the frame empty and leave the rest to them. Or should I use wire free foundation? Thanks for any...
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    BB as a super

    Excellent, thanks for the info folks, it’s appreciated.
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    BB as a super

    Hi Folks, Last year I transferred my hives to poly hives so currently I have a lot of cedar BB’s sat doing nothing which seems a shame. Apart from the weight (my extractor can handle BB frames) is there any negatives to using the BB’s as supers?
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    Leaving honey in a settling bucket

    Excellent thanks for the quick info, much appreciated
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    Leaving honey in a settling bucket

    Hi Folks, I currently have about 26kg of extracted honey in an air tight settling bucket with a honey valve. Unfortunately I'm going to have to go away on business and won't be able to decant into jars is it safe to leave in the bucket for 2 weeks? Your advice is much appreciated.
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    Introducing Queens

    Anyway this continued chat is merely watering down the original post and any valuable information will be lost.
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    Introducing Queens

    To reiterate..........newbee here.....there is only one way to ascertain that a queen is present......that's to see her/eggs.
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    Introducing Queens

    'Don't be silly'.........that's a little insulting. However I wasn't being point was that pollen being brought into a hive cannot really be used to confirm whether or not that there is a Queen inside, that was meant generally along with other checks. There is only one sure fire way...
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    Introducing Queens

    I've been corrected by more experienced members......pollen being brought into a hive is no indication at all that there is a Queen inside. disregard my statement.
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    Introducing Queens

    Often you can learn a lot from just looking at the outside of the hive as to whether there is a Queen inside.....for instance are they taking Pollen in, if yes this is a good indicator that there is brood that was laid by the Queen within several days.
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    Adding nut allergy info to your jar labels

    Hi Folks, Do you add nut allergy info to your jar labels? Surely if jars are being washed in dishwashers where other kitchen equipment is being washed there is a risk?
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    Hi Folks, I assume this is the practice of Bearding and not swarm prep?
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    Additional BB

    Thanks Vortex, you got it exactly.
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    Additional BB

    Hi Folks, It looks like the Buckfast in my second Hive could Do with some extra room. The question I have is if I add a secondary (empty) BB below a nearly full super is it likely they will move the honey down into the new BB?
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    How to get All Beekeepers a Bad Name 2!!!!

    I don't think that the criteria you specify is all that makes a responsible Bee Keeper. Although in the scenario you have described it's a massive contributor. As an example I'm self taught (never attended a beginners course although I wanted too). I've never been mentored. I'm in my second year...