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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. G

    Hive with 40,000 bees inside stolen on Anglesey
  2. G


    had a good week in Anglesey
  3. G

    Stings and mean bee's

    I think the bees are protecting the stores of food they have collected for winter I was on a practical course this morning I got stung twice once on the lip and one though the glove I only had the bees over two weeks now and I have been stung 3 times I hope they will cool down soon as they get...
  4. G


    when do i treat the bees with Apiguard
  5. G

    nuc split

  6. G

    nuc split

    i don't know the count but i was going to treat with APIGUARD (THYMOL) when should i treat and do i still feed them when i am treating them
  7. G

    nuc split

    i am feeding them now when do i have to treat them?
  8. G

    nuc split

    There a 5 solid brood they are very angry bees I have just been stung today I only went to see them 6 ft from the hive My brother in law was in the field when I was inspecting the frames on Thursday he got stung 5 times Would splitting then make any difference
  9. G

    nuc split

    these are the bees left in the box after i had put the frames in the brood box i had never seen so many bees
  10. G

    nuc split

    yes i did a course last year so i wont split what do you think about putting a second brood box on top to give them room
  11. first time bee keeping

    first time bee keeping

    new to bee keeping
  12. G

    nuc split

    what if i put another brood on top?and leave it there over winter
  13. new to bee keeping

    new to bee keeping

    my attempt at keeping bees after retiring
  14. G

    nuc split

    I have already put the nuc in a brood box and have been feeding for two weeks they have drawn out all the frames and are storing syrup ? On the new frames The bees a very very lively and there are thousands of them When I open the hive for inspection on Thursday they wear bees on all frames
  15. G

    nuc split

    Can you split a strong nuc in two this time of the year
  16. G


    am i not to be in this section?
  17. G


    Hi Bees flying well today
  18. G

    first week of keeping bees

  19. G

    first week of keeping bees

    Hi from Anglesey my first week keeping bees never handled bees before on my own, only on a bee course I went on last year Bought colony of bees and have installed in the new hive after two days When installing in the hive a lot of the bees were left in and on the box did I use to much smoke...