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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. P

    Sold Swienty Breeze Beesuit XXL

    Provisionally sold, but if that for some reason doesn't work I've got the DMs from those of you interested.
  2. P

    Sold Swienty Breeze Beesuit XXL

    Due to the imminent move to New Zealand and their incredibly strict biosecurity rules I've been getting rid of all my bee gear (colonies sticking with my bee partner before you ask). The Swienty Breeze has been an absolute boon. Not one sting through it in 3 seasons of use, no rips or tears at...
  3. P

    Anyone bringing shade to their bees for the forecast heat wave?

    Not for the bees but went very summery at the training apiary this evening. Forgot my wellies so ended up doing the inspections in flip flops beneath the bee suit. All the instructors trying not to snigger and wondering how many stings I'd get. Answer - one (first this year), but actually on a...
  4. P

    Best ventilated bee suit?

    Another vote for Swienty here. Catches any hint of breeze (especailly as I inspect in tshirt and shorts beneath it) , never been stung through it.
  5. P

    Did I just invent this? Easy propolis removal...

    Not that I doubt the power of propolis as an Egyptian magic potion (ok ok so I do, I believe in science, so sue me), but 60Gy will kill *anyone* stone dead. The LD99 (i.e. will kill 99% of people exposed to it) is 8Gy.
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    Finding Queen with black light

    For some reason reminds me of when I caught my first swarm in a nuc on my garage roof. I'd spotted a few dozen scouts but had no thought they'd moved in until the evening when I got up on a ladder to adjust the nuc slightly and saw a dozen or so of the girls peeking out the entrance in the...
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    American Beekeepers - astonishingly calm bees or crazy keepers?

    Personally I don't even think about an inspection without my suit on, smoker lit (even if the bugger goes out after 5 mins), and gloves on (nitrile or marigolds). Then you look at YouTube and American and Canadian beekeepers seem to habitually inspect with at most a veil. I'm not just talking...
  8. P

    What have you learned (bee keeping) this year?

    First full year of beeking so too much to mention but I did learn: Not to hang around, an inspection can be quick and still be calm and complete. Write notes on a hive as soon as you're done or you will *not* remember them next time
  9. P

    Asian Hornet In Ascot

    Bloody immigrants, coming over here, taking the jobs of hard working native Hornets /s
  10. P

    Your highlights of the season.

    Tasting my first honey, catching my first swarm from a tree.
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    Preferred fuel for smoker

    I must sort out a nice toolbox sometime, but for now £2 got me a metal file box I can pop the smoker into - a bit cheaper than an Abelo or Thornes box at £50 or so!
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    Thymol recipe against Nosema & fermentation of syrup feed...

    Special Ingredients Lecithin Powder 100g Premium Quality : Grocery is what I got from Amazon arriving yesterday. Mixed it up today and apart from stinking out the kitchen (my wife will be chuffed when she gets home) it worked fine.
  13. P

    Preferred fuel for smoker

    My personal brew is wood shavings sold as animal bedding, with some dried orange/satsuma skins added (I just save them when I nosh one). Nice fragrant and cool smoke as long as I don't puff too hard. If it's getting a bit hot a handful of grass cools it down and provides plenty of smoke. What I...
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    UK pledges to restore pounds and ounces as Brexit benefit

    If you want a weirdly anachronistic measurement, I give you the U, or rack unit. It is used to measure the height of IT equipment that goes into racks, so some of the most modern equipment out there. So a thin switch might be 1U, and a big old server might be 12U. The racks are,19” wide, and a...
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    Dead Bees Outside hive after the Varroa treatment started

    Looks like mostly drones to me. The huge eyes are a great ID point
  16. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    First ever visit of a bee inspector. Learned a lot in the 2 hours she was with us. Whipped off the unfortunately empty supers, whacked on some ApiGuard ready for end of season. Looks like one of the nucs very unlikely to survive winter, brood very spotty and mostly but not entirely drone, so...
  17. P

    Is this the future of beekeeping ? discuss

    To be fair, my neighbours can spit and carry TB and they're not Alpacas, just a bit trashy.
  18. P

    Quality of bee equipment

    The Nucs we got are excellent. Well designed, don't use the ability to split them in 2 x 3 frame hives, but we have got a couple of Maisemore Nuc bodies that fit on top so we can have them as 6 frames over 6.
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    Dealing with a wasps nest - not really bee related

    Done some more reading in the last couple of hours and have revised the idea. Will deal with it tonight, soaking the compost heap, fire not an option as it’s up against the fence, and apparently properly damp compost is no good for wasps so keep it damp and they bugger off in a week or so.
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    Dealing with a wasps nest - not really bee related

    So about 10 miles from my apiary I have discovered a nest of wasps. not worried about my bees as a result of the distance, but I am concerned for my family since it's in my garden compost heap and they're getting quite defensive to anyone who gets within 5 metres. So the plan tomorrow is to...