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  1. Frederick

    Sad, but true.

    I've been on here a very short time, and now looks as if my beekeeping days are over, I've been told to quit keeping bees. I'd thought I'd let that sink in, its upset me no end, I've developed a near fatal reaction to stings, (yeah, eppi pen job) each one seems to be worse than the last, and...
  2. Frederick

    Well how do'ya like that!

    You know, its bloody typical, I've not seen it since, dad says its still there.... I'll try my best for pic guys!
  3. Frederick

    Poll - Reacting to stings

    Hmmm, multiple stings from bees, slightly light headed. One wetched wasp sting, near death....grab the eppi pen! and yes, hayfever,no to asthma. Hope that doesn't throw your unscientific study off to much! :D
  4. Frederick

    Well how do'ya like that!

    You know, I can't help but love your optimistic out look my friend! Superb! :D I've not been near the hive the last two days as its thundery and not too charming for my babies, so I can't say if this feathered muncher has returned...
  5. Frederick

    Well how do'ya like that!

    I'm keeping a eye out now, as soon has I can 100% say what this feathered feind is, you guys will be the first to know, although I don't think its either one of those pete, its beak was shorter my dad seemed to think it could be one of these.... Looks like a...
  6. Frederick

    Well how do'ya like that!

    Oh ok, thanks, seemed a little like lighting striking twice! LOL! :D
  7. Frederick

    Well how do'ya like that!

    Not my lucky weekend really, got a beesting on my thumb not too much of a stress as I seem quite resiliant, and it just minorly irratates, but yesterday, a wasp stung me at work, in EXACTLY the same spot as the bee did! Now is this a pheramone issue or just me being damned unlucky, as wasps and...
  8. Frederick

    Smartwater as possible solution?

    Had another thought, the bees themselfs are the best deterrent, If you use one of those electronic pest control devices, the type to scare the cats and such from the garden, rigged to a trip wire, or the hive itself, so when a miscreant tries to move it the bees will become seriously aggitated...
  9. Frederick

    My Beehaus - BLOG

    I never even seen a beehaus till I looked it up after hearing of it here, and to be honest, I'm intrigued!!! Really interested how this goes for you, if it has sucess, maybe aproach omlet for endorsments!!!LOL! Seriously, good luck!
  10. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    AH HA!! a quick google jobby for fondant (as I wasn't too sure on this one) gave me: Dave cushman, busy chap isn't he? although very greatful to him and you EXCEEDINGLY helpfull guys here!
  11. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    half a block of fondant on the frames with a super as an eke __________________ Ok this sounds far more simple.....too simple, I'm even nervous to ask whats the catch?LOL! Now is that at a guess the same fondant as my granny used to use on her cakes or something special?
  12. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    Good point on the leaking, my dad wants to make a frame feeder, so, I think its just a experimental test time, but you are right, it won't be on for winter, thanks for the input!
  13. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    Thank you! oh I had to laugh at that, a migratory west country man! We get everywhere dun'us? Generaly speaking (I'm in what can best be discribed as the cornish ghetto, I.e,The clay area) its either sunny, or wet. so no real surprises, and cheers on those tips, soon put it to use! :)
  14. Frederick

    Hello-New to the forum why not post a "Hi" message for other users to welcome you.

    Hi all! I feel I should be stood for this...Ahem My name is Fred, and I keep bees..... I feel the weight lifting as I speak! Seriously, great forum, I owe you guys already, a day has past since I joined, and it feels like home already. "best forum, ever"
  15. Frederick

    Smartwater as possible solution?

    Ok, not smartwater, but its option used these guys for a job some years back, Also simplicity at its best, my father sugests getting a small pen gas torch, very cheap, and do some pyography! Initials, your own code etc, marked on each hive...
  16. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    strange isn't it? I'm taking to make a miller feeder, I find the "drowned bee" thing a little disturbing (I've got quite attached to the little beauties) Been bouncing though the threads on hive DIY, and seeing as I'm a quailfied carpenter, I'm going to make my own out! So I'll post pics after...
  17. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    Thank you but Gingernut me straight! Thank you for your advice all the same!!
  18. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    Its my fault, I stood and looked at them going into it, seems there is slight ill fit to this feeder, and the excitement of setting myself up I missed it, imagine the centre cone off at a fraction of a angle, the gap is minutely larger than intended, and the syrup, thicker than water, has a...
  19. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    RESULT!!!! You are now my new best friend!!! LOL! thank you!
  20. Frederick

    I'm a Noob, help me please.

    Very helpfull!!!! I'm having my mind swayed to this even more now I see you guys handiworks! thank you very much!