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  1. R

    Demise of the Poundshop?

    I find Home Bargains cheaper
  2. R

    Destroying supercedure cells yay or nay?

    Are they getting crowded? Perhaps move to a full hive instead of a nuc
  3. R

    New member

    Welcome Cral
  4. R

    Probably been a bit silly...

    Store it for next year - you never know how much they will use over winter, or what the weather will be like come spring. Use in apideas
  5. R

    Less Brood in BB?

    Is the queen still there? Do you see eggs? They may have swarmed and taken some food stores with them. You live in Yorkshire, so perhaps the weather is not as warm as it is down south
  6. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Thanks Millet. I've just spoken to the gentleman beekeeper and he may be able to help me out. Thank you for the replies you have all been really helpful
  7. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Is that directed at me? I meant the drone that mated with the queen s mum to produce a queen like the one you have. I've had nasty queens too and had the stings to prove it. Nothing personal to you whatsoever. We all get them no matter how good a beekeeper one is. But thank you kindly for the offer
  8. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    I can't see my PMs on my mobile phone. I crank the big one up later as soon as I can
  9. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Any offers to adopt your Miss Nasty? No? Surely she has some good points. You could always blame the father
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    Mated queen needed urgently

    No offers yet. No even been called out for a swarm collection
  11. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    No no offers as yet. Thanks for asking
  12. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Hopefully the weather will be kind this weekend when you carry out your inspections. Perhaps this post will help others in a similar situation
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    Mated queen needed urgently

    I don't think anyone would want a queen from hell. Been there, done that, never again
  14. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Oh the thought of splatting queens when I am sure that there is more than me in a similar position. If anyone can help I worked be so heartened
  15. R

    Mated queen needed urgently

    Having found the marked queen dead on the runners of my only colony, presumed dead for a few days due to age of larvae, and no q cells being built, I am in need of a mated queen. Has anyone got one to sell? Thanks
  16. R

    Perfume, the bee, the ant, me & A&E

    We are too far North - they would never understand our Lancashire accent. But perhaps a Taxman Ant/bee/scorpian
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    Perfume, the bee, the ant, me & A&E

    Ahhhhhhh!! That's s... s... s... scary.
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    Price of honey, (again!)

    Honey? This year? I wish ....
  19. R

    Perfume, the bee, the ant, me & A&E

    thank you MasterBK We have had swarms of flying ants in our kitchen. Quickly killed off with sprays of Mrs Muscle - On the 26th September just gone we didn't have any flying ants about, probably too late anyway. The nasty little beasty didn't have any wings, was in three sections and really...