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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. K


    There are heroes and then there's the volunteers at BD Clean:
  2. K

    Doff of the cap to the NBU

    Praise where praise is due. I think the NBU have done a sterling job controlling Velutina. It's also reassuring seeing primary nests as late as October because that affirms that Velutina struggles in our climate and ecology. Not a single sign of secondaries in June which gives comfort.
  3. K

    Treating wasp nests within domestic dwellings

    I've no wish to undermine the moderators who have recently closed a thread but I do think there are a couple of salient points that need to be made. Wasps are without exception the most deadly insects in the UK and need to be treated with respect for the health risk they represent. That being...
  4. K

    Vaporised oregano oil for varroa

    Just seen an interesting clip purporting 95% reduction in varroa using oregano oil vaporised slowly within the hive. Any thoughts?
  5. K

    Death of Analogue

    So what do we think about BT scrapping analogue lines? Personally I think it's a disaster waiting to happen. Any loss of power with digital and there's no means of calling an ambulance! Talk about setting up the UK for a fall at a time of energy insecurity!
  6. K

    Doing the Luuutonn

    Delivered with such aplomb!
  7. K

    What do scissors, coat hangers and chop sticks have in common?
  8. K


    I'm all for recycling but when I went to buy a bottle of water the other day at a service station the bottle was dirty grey. I was under the impression that food contact materials had to be virgin. Not any more apparently. Very scary...
  9. K

    Honeybees know nada! Not just pretty little faces!
  10. K

    Musing about varroa

    Talking of beeswax got me thinking. Does anyone have experience of adding thymol to melted beeswax when making foundation? Is this something that has already been tried? Thymol is soluble in melted beeswax so it got me thinking it might treat/inhibit/deter varroa in the nymph stage especially...
  11. K


    Fascinating: The link is to an article titled: Novel Insights into the Health Importance of Natural...
  12. K

    Something to warm the cockles

    250ml honey 250ml of tepid water 1/2 nutmeg 1 cinnamon stick 2 allspice berries 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1 vanilla pod orange peel, of half an orange, dried out 70ml of vodka circa 40% unsalted butter, (optional) Mix the honey and tepid water in a good quality steel saucepan, and add the spices...
  13. K

    Just exceptional
  14. K

    Ants swarming

    Ants have swarmed our way which is usually a heads up that wasps will enter the sweet feeding phase of their lifecycle if they haven't done so already. Good time to check on anti-wasp measures in particular the state and type of entrances to the hive.
  15. K

    To keep one amused If you haven't already come across this, this is a bit of fun.
  16. K

    Fasinating Bees

    I don't know if this has already been posted on the forum but the video clips (scroll to the bottom) into the hidden world of the hive are fascinating:
  17. K

    Time to be ridiculed again

    Just a heads up that it may be prudent to buy in supplies of sugar early so as to avoid disappointment come winter. Solar activity is still depressed and all the signs are that we will have a colder longer winter.
  18. K


    For those of you who dabble in hive diy, it might be an idea to stock up on timber. Considerable shortages expected as construction industry ramps up post lockdowns at the same time that supplies from Europe hampered and demand as a construction material increased due to green carbon capture...
  19. K


    Looking for a little advice. A dear friend passed away and his widow would like a commemorative rose to remember him by. Her preference is for a thornless rose with a good scent and any colour but white. Not being a gardener I would really appreciate any suggestions for a variety of rose that...
  20. K

    Spare a thought

    One has to feel sorry for the bees and beeks on St Vincent and Barbados.