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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    field beans

    I was speaking to one of my farmers the other day and that she will be growing OSR next year in one particular field. The crop is for Bio Fuel and the variety for that has longer flowers which she says are too long for honey bees to access the nectar.
  2. robinharman

    Mystery bee poisoning

    Will the surviving colony be special survivor bees able to cope with Neonics?
  3. robinharman

    Mystery bee poisoning

    Can you provide a link with the evidence?
  4. robinharman

    Design technology A-level design ideas

    Carp fishing trolley £10 from boot sale. Perfect for the job and dismantles for easy transportation. Don't think I could have designed anything better.
  5. robinharman

    bees and sheep

    I've got two sites with sheep wandering around the hives in reasonable sized fields and never had problems. I had a third, as in the photo, with barriers and they were fine though the lambs did sneak under and were occasionally stung. Some of the larger 'sheeps' as Gabriel called them pushed the...
  6. robinharman

    First Swarm Sweep Stake!

    2nd April
  7. robinharman

    Propolis Query

    Mrs H prepares and sells a drug dealer sized bag for £10 with instructions how to make tincture with vodka.
  8. robinharman

    “Crunchy Honey”

    You missed off Small Batch
  9. robinharman

    Honey Super Frames Advice

    Start on 11s, then 10s then finally 9s. 9s are virtually always the heaviest and 11s the lightest (as a full super)
  10. robinharman

    Thermodynamics question

    There is going to be a massive reduction in the availability of properties to rent. From 2025 all new tenancies, and from 2028 all rented properties must have an EPC of A,B or C. Landlords are leaving the market in droves as their properties cannot be upgraded for sensible money. This means one...
  11. robinharman

    Abelo Polyhive sale

    Thanks! A long day
  12. robinharman

    Government Response to Petition

    I am actually going to say the petition is a waste of time - where will it really get us? The public don't read the honey labels, including Waitrose Dutchy Organic Honey and Rowse Organic Honey. I take jars of these on talks and the public really don't know they are from foreign lands until it...
  13. robinharman

    Bee Wagon recommendations

    I paid £12,500 for it five and half years ago when it had 120K miles. I think it is still worth £10.5K and is in a really nice metallic dark blue. I won't be selling - to hard to replace despite the fact it is not ULEZ compliant and I am 300m away from the London border
  14. robinharman

    Bee Wagon recommendations

    I love my Hilux Mk7 that will reach 150,000 miles this week. Top Gear couldn't break one. Even with a Mountain Top cover I can get 18 supers in the back , probably double if I take it off. In five years it has cost me £300 on top of regular servicing for a front spring and rear shocks. You can...
  15. robinharman

    Talk to WI

    I always take a jar of Waitrose Dutchy Organic and show them the Produced in Romania label plus the Rowse Non EU.
  16. robinharman

    House insurance. Are specialist insurers and gave me cover for buyers coming to my home.
  17. robinharman

    Wild/Feral Survivor-Thrivers: Naturally Selected Resistant Bees.

    Just wondering. If bees do develop a resistance, do varroa also develop to counter this resistance? Asking for a friend
  18. robinharman

    Still significant mite drop after OA

    My parents found it incomprehensible that after night shift we went to the market early house and had several pints. Would often come home with a ridiculous amount of mushrooms.
  19. robinharman

    Honey price

    Don't forget further 5% for writing a review..
  20. robinharman

    Honey price

    Cant seem to do the ebay link but search. Plastic Buckets Tubs Containers with Tamper Evident Lids 0.5L 1L 3L 5L 10L 25L and you will find them.