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  1. T

    Varroa treatment

    Have two small (4 frame) nucs requiring treatment....... One in poly and one in home made wooden boxes Question is.... Has anyone used small amounts of apiguard direct on top of brood in put on with a spoon /spatula? I am thinking of doing this but thought I would ask the...
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    I want to 'show' a capped frame of honey - how?

    From the BBKA Combs Suitable for Extracting Schedules usually state "Comb suitable for extracting". The Judges should note the suitability for uncapping, evenly drawn out on both sides and the evenness and cleanliness of the comb surface. The use of new foundation is preferred to the use...
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    Not Good!!!

    I think the quicker you get them sorted the better.....the longer you leave the supers the more robbing will go on and increase the possibility the 'hive' may come under attack. Think it is time to suit up, sort super by super, add back to colony if possible, reduce entrance to help them defend...
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    Think she needs glasses

    Knowing I am a beekeeper a member of my team at work tells me there is a big bee or wasp nest in a tree in the park opposite our office.....I ask her a few questions...what does it look like, how high up etc. After hearing her answers I decide to go and have a look.....we walk through the park...
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    MAQS in poly hives

    Has anyone got any feedback on using MAQS in poly hives? Have 3 colonies to treat....2 in P***** 14 x 12 ploy and one in wood on double brood 14 x 12 with 4 supers on One poly was a nuc in May which has built up well. One poly has (hopefully) a new queen emerged last week....will have to hold...
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    New queen...laying already??

    Finman ...your a genius sir :) :) after your post I have just gone and checked the nuc thoroughly and found the old queen I thought was gone when I set it up when re-queening original hive after attempted swarm (clipped queen). also found my nice shiny new queen still there :) Cheers again...
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    Thought my queen was gone

    going on hols tomorrow (for one week) so was doing final check of hives and nucs beforehand... On checking my biggest hive....have two 14 x 12 BB's and 4 supers on, bees appeared low in numbers and I struggled to find queen or eggs with both BB'S having lot's of nectar between capped / uncapped...
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    New queen...laying already??

    Set up a nuc a week and half ago with uncapped queen cell, checked on Sunday and it was still capped, checked today and found eggs and a lovely big queen.....very surprised to have eggs already and watched her go along checking cells. Seen a couple with two eggs in...before seeing queen and...
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    thanks folks, much appreciated. Another challenge is running out of equipment.....had to move a queen and some frames on Sunday ...after they swarmed from my other hive on Saturday but queen was clipped so still have them and rehoused in another hive...dummied down. Have to do some...
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    Was thinking more like the current house bees that become flyers over the coming week will boost up the original colony numbers and leave less bees to go with the virgin queen and then move the box....similar to when it is moved from one side to the other in a standard A/S.
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    Has anyone done an A/S and sat the 'old' BB with house bees, brood etc on top of the roof of the 'new' BB which has queen and flying bees? Did it work? I need to do an A/S and due to limited space.....there is a hive either side of it and no space to put another I thought I could...
  12. T

    Bees setting me my next challenge :(

    Have 14 x 12 hive, have two supers on...both drawn, one 1/2 full but not capped, one with some stores ...not much. Added 2nd BB on Sat 29th June...12 frames... 10.5 drawn when checked on Sat 6th week ....with arches of stores formed, queen found on one frame laying it up and another...
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    Hachi, I am in London.
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    Does anyone know where I could get MAQS in smaller quantities than the 10 hive box from P*****? Cheers :)
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    queen cells wanted in barnoldswick

    at bees 4 u I bought my last queen...Buckfast from them and service was excellent and queen / bees are so calm :)
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    change of post ....(my swarmy hive)

    Job done.... queen in new hive, 3 frames and several frames of bees shook into it, dummied down with insulation board...flyers will return to original hive. Original hive has had a foundation frame added. Will give it a couple of days before adding frame of eggs from other hive. onwards and...
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    Guidance /advice welcome please

    All done......and what a mare in this heat, in London. Couldn't find queen on first search through frames, bees very active lol, one frame slipped...or stuck to glove as it had quite a bit of propolis (the frame) and bees ended up on floor etc. Learned to swear again at my...
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    Guidance /advice welcome please

    Hi Cazza, have a swarmy hive.....with clipped queen. They tried to swarm yesterday...or rather they did swarm and the queen got about 3ft from hive, and bees 3 gardens away at top of a tree, I picked her up and put her back at hive and in she went with rest of bees eventually following over...
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    queen cells wanted in barnoldswick

    You can get virgin queens for £10.
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    change of post ....(my swarmy hive)

    Thanks Rab....voice of experience that us 'newbies' depend on... with advice, that after the event, makes logical sense and makes us keep our feet on the ground knowing we have so much to learn. Will take her out tomorrow.... only have a jumbo lang, Jumbo Lang nuc or a 14 x 12 bb....will have...