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  1. T

    Hive ransacked

    Well Susan, lot's of well worded and some not so well worded support but all delivered with the best of intentions from fellow beeks. As many say, it is a learning curve, an opportunity to gain first hand experience of the good the bad and the ugly within our 'hobby' ..... we then have choices...
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    very little honey

    also doing a split on them reduces the foragers resulting in lower crops.....
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    Laying workers

    As they are on the same stand, is there room to move the nuc more central with the DLW hive placed to one side of it? If it is, you could move the DLW hive from one side to the other then after a few days move it back to other side.....draws it out for a week or two but would result in a gradual...
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    Marburg box
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    MAQS experience

    :iagree: and scissors for me :D KISS
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    7th September Sale

    @jenkinsbrynmair You don't have to keep can return it under the 'Distance Selling' regulations which are there to protect people buying online :) Don't let them fob you off in future.
  7. T

    MAQS Strips

    Will be updating my post on using MAQS shortly.......would just say be prepared for the 'BANG' and don't panic. Open mesh floor should be my experience I had to reduce down the entrance even on my biggest hive...double BB 14 x 12 as in the first few days the bees were quite subdued...
  8. T

    bee poisoning

    Hopefully now that you have the results you can push for a prosecution and also claim not just for the bees, the crop, loss of personal enjoyment but also the hive as it would be contaminated by the poison. There is also a knock on that other local beekeepers could be affected...maybe not...
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    Strange 'drumming' in hive

    Watched my bees remove a couple of adult bees from the hive....between 4 and 6 of them dragging them managed to force them all back in before eventually being pulled out and dumped. Found it strange and don't think it was robbing. Took off hive roof to look in and see how things...
  10. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    Day three and a few more dead /dying bees outside one hive...the one that appeared to take the biggest hit. Bees appeared to be more mobile last night with high volumes around entrances defending them ..and I reduced entrances down further to help them guard against wasp attacks. All three...
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    Put MAQ's on last night

    Good points ITMA, thanks. Have reduced the entrances in the poly hives this morning and also put cover over them this morning. Will put entrance blocks in tonight when I get home from work..or may rush home at lunch time or finish early :) Another point from this morning opening of hives was...
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    Put MAQ's on last night

    Hi Pargyle, a few points of note...still early days in the treatment schedule though. 1) monitoring board is removed during treatment to aid air flow....may have been a good idea to have laid this on the ground directly under the hive to get a better idea of mite drop. This may be a good...
  13. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    Couldn't take it any more......wasps going into the hives and fearing the worst, I suited up and opened them..... First poly with the most dead bees and grubs...lifted off the super and was met with seams of bees.....all ok...plenty there :) put a sheet of glass in front of entrance to try and...
  14. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    Well second morning after putting on treatment......two poly hives very with more dead bees and grubs on landing board the other with a few. Now under attack from wasps. Not a lot of flying bees coming or going Biggest landing board and wood....this is clearing out...
  15. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    Hi Tom, looked like a lot of young bees....nursing ones..small.. that were on the landing boards...have seen some grubs tonight :( Also a quite a few drones and a lot of adult /older bees on the grass. Hopefully it will all be ok from now to end of treatment period with colonies picking up...
  16. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    home this evening and dead bees cleared from landing boards through day. Not a lot of activity by way of flyers coming or going from the hives....although my biggest one has some pollen coming in. Two poly hives ..... bees are well back from the entrance and quite quick to attack anything coming...
  17. T

    Put MAQ's on last night

    Another worrying thing this morning was the number of wasps attacking the bees...killed four wasps in a couple of minutes. But with all hives entrances fully open and bees coming to terms with the treatment they appear a little more vulnerable. The joys of having hives in the
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    Put MAQ's on last night

    Put MAQ's on 3 hives last night.........was a bit of a shocker this morning seeing a lot of dead /dying young bees on landing board of one colony and with the other colonies also having a high number outside and on the ground. Also noted them throwing out drones / stopping them entering. Will...
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    Varroa treatment

    many thanks folks, much appreciated......will treat these one from end of week.
  20. T

    Varroa treatment

    thanks for that.....have no strips left so would need to open hive(s) and cut from the strips I put in tonight. Will search threads for HM Thymol mix that Hivemakers per chance?