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  1. K

    Double entendre (by definition)

    EXCELLENT!! just prizeless I needed a good laugh
  2. K


    Got you, thanks,,all the best to you,,cheers
  3. K


    Hi all I just built me a Langstroth hive as a one off to try the plastic frames for the combs, It's just that I will have to buy the deep brood frames for the brood box, would anybody know how many frames are in the brood box,,cheers,,,kenny
  4. K

    he asked for it

    A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas and talked with an old rancher. He told the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher said, "Okay, but do not go in that field over there," as he pointed out the location. The DEA officer verbally exploded...
  5. K

    Japanese Coastguard Display

    Good on you Broandy,Ta. It's the daughter thats trying to show me the computer, and at my age she say's that I'v just moved out out of the stone age and hovering around the bronze age. Hu! so much for all my learning on the buttons
  6. K

    christmas toy

    The latest christmas toy has just hit the shops--A talking Muslim doll. Nobody knows what the fu*k it says, because no one has the bollocks to pull the cord
  7. K

    Japanese Coastguard Display!
  8. K

    Trailer Bees

    PS. I found that the more I think about things the more it puts my head in a porridge. It's best to get stuck in, and sort out any problems as your going along' It takes a while longer but at least your going ahead
  9. K

    Trailer Bees

    hey bbg, good on you, am doing the same for next year to put the hives on the machair for the summer, then shift to the heather for the autumn, my trailer's ready but only to take four hives, what I do is duct tape them round the joints and ratchet strap them to anchor points on the trailer It's...
  10. K


    Black art's not the word for it, the only things I'v got black is the pans and my patience and frustrations. What I ended up with is definately NOT! sugar, and definately NOT! plastic. The colour is a kind of bilious yellow with a fearful smell. I think that it metamorphed into something that...
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    I had to throw it out there was a hell of a smell of it, hope i'm back at sea before the wife starts looking for her thermometer
  12. K


    my thermometer disolved in the mix, there was just the glass bit left sitting on the bottom of the pan, I don't know where the rest went
  13. K


    Hi, makin fondant, does anybody know what the wee drop of vinegar in the mix is for,,cheers from a guy making door stops and burning sugar Ah'll get it right yet
  14. K

    I'm trying to fish

    Hey! I'm Trying To Fish Here!!! Okay, I give up -- we can play, I can fish anytime...
  15. K

    rhododendron bush

    HI all, got a lot of roddy bushes arround and heard that the honey of them is a bit iffy, does anybody know if there's problem and what's the best way to go about it if I shift bees to the area next year,,all the best to you all
  16. K

    modern times

    When I bought my Blackberry I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, 13...
  17. K


    Thanks all for that. Got to go now the sun is shinning here,haven't seen it for three weeks, so am off to do a bit of worshiping before it go's away again
  18. K


    where and how? am not very good with this machine, it's the daughter that shows me, she's away the now, we had a bit of a furoro last night, I kept pressing the mouse at the wrong time
  19. K


    Hi again snoop, I found it! but its in a bloody foregin language, the only words I can understand is rammer, whatever that is, and langstroth and plastik, do you know anywhere closer to home than that place that does them,,cheers from a confused kenny
  20. K


    Hay! snoop ta! What I was reading up was that you had to warm some wax and rub it all round the inside of the wee squares leaving a smear to give them the smell, they say that starts them off, It's nationals iv'e got but am making a couple of hives to fit the frames, to try, if I can get the...