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  1. Bcrazy

    Namr of flowers please!

    I have benn given a couple of flower heads but without any name s to go with them. Can you please help ? Thank you. Mo
  2. Bcrazy

    Dissection talk

    Hi Peter S, When i use the hot piece of copper to melt the wax i have the bee in the left hand ready to embed. I hold the bee by her wings after cutting some of the legs off (leave stubbles of the legs for extra grip in embedding). By holding the bee with her wings its easy to slide the bee into...
  3. Bcrazy

    Dissection talk

    Hi Free fall, Thank you for pointing out my miss-steak. I thought the comment about bees having individual personalities would have brought a comment or two. OH well, perhaps we do not look further than our noses. Mo
  4. Bcrazy

    Dissection talk

    I was asked to give a talk on the internal organs of the worker bee these are what i came up with. Any questions?
  5. Bcrazy

    Storing pollen for later...

    Hi susbees Can you tell me a little more about Harper Adams microscopy workshop. Where is it being held and who is running it? Thank you Mo
  6. Bcrazy

    Storing pollen for later...

    Hi bee-live I might have been a bit quick off the mark when i said that IPA does not distort the shape of pollen grains . What you might be thinking about is when the pollen grains can become distorted after they have been through a process of cleansing and separation from the earth samples they...
  7. Bcrazy

    Storing pollen for later...

    bee-live Hi my friend, the short sharp answer to your question is NO it does not. The IPA descales the pollen grain by removing the wax caoting that help protects the grain but it certainly does not alter its shape in any way. The only way to have different shapes of the same pollen grain sample...
  8. Bcrazy

    Storing pollen for later...

    Hi Ruary, I have pollen grains from 5/6 years ago which have been stored in a specimin bottle with IPA added to cover all the pollen grains . in doing this the grains have held the correct configureation with no distortion what so ever. Hope that helps. Don't forget to lable the jars...
  9. Bcrazy

    Koshevnikov gland

    from what i recall the Koschevnikov gland is an exocrine gland. These glands consists of tiny clusters of cells in the sting chamber .This exorine gland which is not well developed in workers as in queens , is reported to have different functions for each caste, and its prcise role has yet to be...
  10. Bcrazy


    Hey man i know how you feel as two years ago i had 20 hives all destroyed by vandals it broke my heart to see the few bees struggling to survive. Unfortunately there is no recompense for you, except rebuild up from scratch. I do feel sorry for you though, good luck for the future. Mo
  11. Bcrazy


    I have been asked by Tim my method of maceration of bee body parts for the BBKA Microscopy exam. The method i use works extreamly well for me and it is as follows; My method is:- Kill and fix in alcohol Remove wings and return them to alcohol. Caustic will destroy the membrane. Place...
  12. Bcrazy

    Zombie bees

    Winker, Would it be possible to send me some of the dead bees so i can examine them? You say you saw some flies in the hive, yes there is a small fly that lives in the hives but does not do any damage to the colony. Warmth would keep alive any living insect within the confines of the hive. MY...
  13. Bcrazy

    Zombie bees

    Hi Members, If it aint one fing its anovver check this out. Mo
  14. Bcrazy


    Took a sample of dyke water and was really suprised to see so many Daphina and a couple of Cyclops could not photo any Cyclops as they never stayed still long enough.
  15. Bcrazy

    Dead Bees Wanted

    Hi Steve, Thanks but no thanks my friend. As yet i have not come accross mutations in any of my colonies but that's not to say there are none. Thanks all the same Steve. Best wishes. Mo
  16. Bcrazy

    Dead Bees Wanted

    Heyyou in the Tamar Valley. or better known as icanhopit. So you are saying you suffer with Gynandromorphism? Work that one out if you can. Mo
  17. Bcrazy

    Dead Bees Wanted

    Katie, if you can access my photo albums in Photobucket I have a few dead bees to show and a few dissected bees you will have to look through a few to find what you need but good luck anyway. Mo
  18. Bcrazy

    Micrographs of nosema spores apis or ceranae?

    Question: Why are some spores light in colour and others are dark? Why are some spores small while others are larger? Is there a difference in size and formation of the spore with N. Apis and N. cerana?:rolleyes: Mo
  19. Bcrazy

    Sounds like a swarming disaster to me...

    I think its a fantastic idea just imagine a couple of these in the living room . What a cobversational piece it would make .Brilliant idea. Mo
  20. Bcrazy

    Global Warming?

    Keep going members i find this fasinating. Mo