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  1. steve1958

    Paradise or abelo poly national.

    Santa has said I can have a new Beehive for Christmas. So I have decided upon the 11 frame abelo deep roof hive. As I won't be using it till spring time is it worth waiting for the January sales?
  2. steve1958

    Good news

    Congratulations 🎊
  3. steve1958

    To Bounty or not Bounty, that is the question

    No Bounty's They are my favourite
  4. steve1958

    House insurance.

    Think about the reasons your Beekeeping business may cause a claim on your home insurance. You don't employ staff, so that's fine. Damage caused to your property by faulty electrical equipment or burning wax, is a possibility. Theft of expensive equipment, possibly. So maybe get cover that...
  5. steve1958

    Honey extraction

    Most associations have extraction equipment that can be borrowed/ rented out by its members. It's worth seeing if yours does.
  6. steve1958


    Oh no. Sounds like you have had a terrible day. Sadly you are not the first person to suffer such a fate. Honey is so hard to clean up as well.
  7. steve1958

    Hive lost to wasps.

    One of my colonies was fortunate this year in that I managed to locate the offending wasp nest and remove it. On a previous inspection I noted a considerable amount of wasps attacking the hive. A few days later I was contacted by the lady who lives next door to where my hive is sited. She had a...
  8. steve1958

    Cost of sugar or fondant 2022

    It's interesting how we end up spending an hour or two of our lives every year looking for the cheapest sugar outlet in the hope of saving a few pence. Then give our honey away at silly prices. I buy my sugar throughout the year. One bag with each weekly grocery shop soon adds up.
  9. steve1958

    Thymol or no thymol in your winter feed?

    I think the benefits of HiveAlive are due to it helping to maintain intestinal well being. Against both Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Adding hivealive to the winter feed also prevents fermentation and mould. Possibly because one of the ingredients is Thymol. Yes there was some negativity...
  10. steve1958

    Soft set runny honey

    I shouldn't worry too much about the colour. Some years my soft set is nearly white, but other years quite dark in colour. It all depends on the colour of honey you are using. Creaming it does lighten it a little, but take care that you aren't introducing air into it. The main thing is the...
  11. steve1958

    Maqs - bad news

    One problem with MAQS is that the instructions are based on you having a full American Langstroth Hive. A national is smaller and if your colony is smaller you end up overdosing them. I use half the dosage and leave it on for two weeks. Make sure your entrance is fully open, and if you have no...
  12. steve1958

    Black Bees

    The cleaning activity could also be part of CBPV. The cleaning process removes hairs leaving the bees looking dark and shiny. The bees do look like bees with CBPV. Had you sprayed them with anything before starting your inspection? Also is this a Queen right colony or are these robber bees...
  13. steve1958

    Soft set runny honey

    Not as big as some would like, but it suits me. I can use it in summer for keeping soft set soft at 15°c And then the remainder of the year I can use it as a drinks cabinet at 5°c
  14. steve1958

    Soft set runny honey

  15. steve1958

    Soft set runny honey

  16. steve1958

    What to do With Honey Separated in jars

    I had the same problem with my soft set honey. During the heatwave every jar was effected. It was like jars of honey flavoured slush. I decided to make a new fresh batch after honey harvest is completed and once the weather cools down Meanwhile I have been giving the slushy honey away
  17. steve1958

    Uncapping knife versus uncapping fork.

    I use an uncapping fork. I used to see this part of beekeeping as a chore, and would use a knife in an effort to get it over with as quickly as possible, even though I was damaging wax comb. Then one day I realised that this was another area of beekeeping I should be enjoying. The honey harvest...
  18. steve1958

    How to get All Beekeepers a Bad Name

    I note that this is an old thread and would be interested to know how things turned out. My own thoughts would be to notify the Bee Inspector who would be able to check on the health of the Bees and give advice. Bee Inspectors can visit unregistered beekeepers. Another thought was I started...
  19. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Tried giving some honey away this week but failed. People insisted upon paying for it ! This was last year's soft set that had melted during the last heatwave. It's not setting again As it was last years I decided to give people a jar with their runny honey purchase. I explained what it was...
  20. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I thought the same. I'm told she slims down for the flight, so I'm guessing the bees change her diet Maybe this effects her rate of lay. She is a 2022 Queen but may have mated poorly. I shall inspect again next Monday.