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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Heather

    lavender site?

    Does lavender honey become tricky to extract similar to OSR. Is there a time schedule to grab it before I have a problem. having an opportunity to have hives in a large lavender area.
  2. Heather

    Winter Feeding Question

    If you keep the inspection trays in place, you can see the position of the cluster without having to remove the crown board. Some folk, me included, give the bees a fully open entrance, protected by a mouse guard, whilst leaving the varroa tray in place to reduce draught. Sufficient ventilation...
  3. Heather

    Winter Feeding Question

    Please ..NO queen excluder in a hive now.:devilish:. Cleaned and stored. Crown board on top of frames, and a pack of fondant (well insulated to stop it drying ) on hole in crown board over where the bees are. other hole covered (I use a tile) If bees to one side, adjust crown board...
  4. Heather

    Just a Hi

    You will feel him smiling..
  5. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Hold fire, Manek..I had to widen all entrances yesterday as such a flow on from the ivy. I initially thought the first hive was swarming (but not logical) as thousands of bees all over the front entrance... then saw other 8 were similar. Phew! Maybe monitor weather/temp/ forage and when near...
  6. Heather


    Wow, first time ever that I hear of AFB in my area... Uckfield East Sussex.. bee inspector being great at checking all as fast as possible. Such a worry. Hope all you guys out there have registered your hives with bee base so they can be checked too. Only takes one to be anonymous to cause chaos...
  7. Heather

    Storing drawn empty comb

    Not really. the little b**** can invade wet supers too, but wont go into drawn unused quite the same.
  8. Heather

    Storing drawn empty comb

    You would need to wrap individually.. or do you have a freezer available where you could store for 3 days, then wrap as a unit when you remove them. Wax moth don't tend to use frames that have never had honey in, but I wouldn't take that risk. Take care when removing from freezer as wax brittle...
  9. Heather

    Hive entrance

    I bought a hive entrance that had an alighting board, slight canopy and sliding /removable entrance blocks. A complete unit that screwed to the brood box. But cannot remember where I bought it from and a search brings up zilch.. Can anyone recall a supplier of such. Think cost about £15/£20..
  10. Heather

    home made wine?

    Thank you all, Afermo. following your advice, But sods law reading just on 1000,- but wine tastes lovely, just fizzy though not moving the trap water lock.. time to stop it and bottle up soon.. was a gift of masses of wine grapes last year..he is waiting for a bottle to try.. my 3 demijohns...
  11. Heather

    How long does it take bees to make a queen cell

    Be aware that the drone population is dropping off. I have a few hives with no drones already this year. You may successfully produce a new queen , but she may not get successfully mated.
  12. Heather

    Queen-less and refusing to accept!

    When introducing a queen in a cage, never keep the accompanying bees in with her. There will be a fight. They may have accepted her if she was on her own in the cage.
  13. Heather

    Native bees and wasps

    Bit worried. My bee hotel had about 40 Mason bees using, holes all blocked with mud, as usual. But a month later none of the blocked holes have been opened by the bees inside. And not escaped at the back as on a wall.
  14. Heather

    2nd week inspection- clueless beginner

    Sometimes, bees just practice, and make what looks like the beginning of a queen cell (top picture). But if no white creamy substance in, just bone dry.. these are ... lets wind up the bee keeper' cells. Nothing to worry about. Only if there is something in, do you need to think..they want to...
  15. Heather

    Aggressive colony

    I would leave till Spring now, and requeen then. Don't normally say so, but you will need to buy one as soon as they become available. But let them crack on, on their own, just ensure they have food for winter.. bee keeping should be enjoyable and those are bastards!! Not nice for a new...
  16. Heather

    home made wine?

    Beaumontrod.. no leaking of gas, and started blipping slightly again. Maybe warmer weather?? Doesn't red wine need to have a short fermentation time. Is a year too long to be still in demijohn.. can it continue or should I kill any remaining yeast with more camden tablets as one in each...
  17. Heather


    Did all my hives with gasvap. Easy, quick, and cheap, once the vaporiser is purchased..about £40 see video Just need a good quality mask. No need to block up each hive .
  18. Heather

    Virtual meetings

    Aahhh. just learnt how to zoom... am not very au fait with putting stuff on lucky if I can get all the committee to meet on zoom, 2 wont trust Whatsap.... We need some youngsters on board.. will put out a plea to members.. I am happy to teach, but this a very new ball game for...
  19. Heather

    Virtual meetings

    committee zoom tonight to discuss, but yes, a zoom 'help line' night may be very useful. As long as all 150 members don't want 'in'..I might hit a panic button!
  20. Heather

    Virtual meetings

    Looking forward to our winter meetings for the Division, it looks unlikely that we can meet safely. Thinking of tuition for the members who have just got bees and those still getting their heads around the basics,, what do you suggest we can do from a 'virtual' perspective to help/...