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  1. Heather

    RSPB Garden Bird Watch

    I never get more than 1 sparrow a day.. but Gold finches more than make up. Did the hour watch to count the birds.. 2 coal tits. 4 blue, 2 great..6 long tails.. 1 male greater spotted woodpecker, 1 male 1 female blackbird, 4 magpie, 2 robins, 10 gold finch, ... nearly spilled my coffee when a...
  2. Heather

    Looking for land to keep bees. What is the Etiquette?

    I actually went on local village Facebook and asked if anyone could reply.. 'please come to me'. 10 hives now in 100 acres of private Park land. Really fell on my feet. Just supply family with honey all year and, when I can, will be teaching the head groundsman about beekeeping. He...
  3. Heather

    Why did they die?

  4. Heather

    Why did they die?

    I lost 2, and can only suspect varroa. Were on 8 frames of bees going into Winter. Super under brood box.. No obvious varroa problems with bee presentation. Worrying as I did oxalic sublimation in December. Dropped about 150 varroa. There were hardly any bees on the frames and 1" deep bodies...
  5. Heather

    Warm way or cold way?

    Depends on your age, and back strength!! I have cold way so I don't have to lean over hive to front frame when am probably getting tired.. Can work side to side. Being small and old-er isn't helpful.
  6. Heather

    Oh No! Not Matchsticks Again?

    When will people realise.. the 'bottom board' as they call it is an INSPECTION board.. just that. pop in, leave 3 days, inspect and remove!! :banghead::banghead:
  7. Heather

    Tobacco smoke

    I stopped when the wrong government were elected and I refused to help with extra tax donations! Started at 14, went to 20 a day..for 10 years, and stopped in one day. Bloody minded woman here.. you need to chew on something to keep mouth occupied..slice up raw celery, carrot, beans. (I know...
  8. Heather

    Tobacco smoke

    Keep up the no smoking, many benefits and you wont smell like an ashtray! And nobody wants to sleep with an ashtray!! I refused to let staff hang their coats in my office if they were smokers as their clothes stank....probably get sued for discrimination these days.
  9. Heather

    Tobacco smoke

    I never faff! ;).. Just lay a cloth on to keep the bees working. But maybe classed as multitasking, my little Welsh friend . gall menywod ymdopi :cheers2:
  10. Heather

    Tobacco smoke

    have you tried 'no smoke'. If you use 2 cover cloths per hive, keeping bees in the dark as you progress across there should be no need. I never understand why people say 'a few puffs in the entrance to let them know you are here' .. where do bees go.. Up.. where do you open ... at top.. hello...
  11. Heather

    Gasvap Modifications

    It is all about getting the flame right.. too much as bad as too small. And I have an old towel that I use to twist off the hot cap. and have 4 other caps, charged ready to keep going through all the hives. Never had a problem.. just practice..
  12. Heather

    Queen Cell Incubator

    Yes, I picked up 2nd hand egg hatching machine for £30. Thoroughly disinfected.. keeps temp beautifully, and hatched many good queens..
  13. Heather

    Sunday task

    Me too... think they have a good chance... but on the tree, with vertical comb, they were stuffed! Rain, rain rain..
  14. Heather

    Sunday task

    Well.. the tree rescue colony... all tucked up in a Nuc. I initially rubber banded all frames from the rescue into frames, in a National, to save as much stores as possible. They settled, but there was quite a tidying exercise for them. Weather against them foraging so they had fondant on. Too...
  15. Heather

    One handed queen catcher

    usually a bucket to hand.. ;)
  16. Heather

    One handed queen catcher

    I do wash the equipment frequently. never seen a problem as mentioned. And have 3 so if on one visit to the apiary I can alternate.
  17. Heather

    One handed queen catcher

    i feel the benefit of putting queen into a plunger to mark is that I can allow the marker paint to dry for a couple of minutes before I reintroduce her so she doesn't smell different, so get attacked.
  18. Heather

    One handed queen catcher

    I find that one a little bulky. much prefer this one.. but just a case of practice.
  19. Heather

    Sunday task

    Should be fine. and good signs if they are housekeeping and feeding (breaking down wax). Try to leave them to crack on with minimum disturbance. happy to help newbies... and we are all still learning after many don't be sorry! ;)
  20. Heather

    Sunday task

    Yes, far too late for syrup, really. Would ferment. Just pile in fondant.