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  1. Heather

    Wasps nightmare

    All on 8 to 9 frames in Nationals.various temperaments. All with full super under brood, mouse guards on with reduced entrances. I may go for under hive entrances on a few as cheaper. Although I had 14 hives but cannot update hives info on side strap
  2. Heather

    Wasps nightmare

    Hi, Long time no chat- good to be back. I have lost 5 colonies now to wasps, and, even today with December looming those wasps are still flying. As the AH is now about 20 miles away I want to buy more Apishield wasp trap floors for my nationals, but cannot find a supplier anywhere. Anyone know...
  3. Heather

    Re-combining after a split

    No, they have got swarm mode out of their thinking, so just remove the poorer /older of the two queens and as long as you give them plenty of work to do, just newspaper join back together- queen right underneath..... those of us who don't rejoin end up with too many hives.. BUT always keep at...
  4. Heather

    Is there anything a hobbyist beekeeper can do about swarms?

    Timing is everything! Went to check my bees, admittedly left a 10 day gap:sleep:, and the bees were 'excited'! (not to see me though!). A hundred + up front of hive.. I thought 'NO you don't!) grabbed a spare BB , went into hive and found 4 lovely, very ripe queen cells. Found original queen...
  5. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    n the evening,I trapped the bees in the supers, all blocked in , to move them. Moved Brood boxes as soon as all bees settling. Then stuck supers back on original colonies on new site. new queens in, in a cage. 2 days later , checked and both queens out, and hives were much nicer. A little in my...
  6. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Hmmm.. yes probable right.. good thinking.. I will requeen soon , shame as she is a beauty to see, laying well, pattern good.. just a b.....y terrorist!..
  7. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Bit harsh!
  8. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Final roundup. bees all moved to new apiary site.. And don't understand why, but foul queen that I didn't bump off- now in 5 frame observation hive - is good to handle again.. (when previously the colony chased my bee buddy chap 100yds down the road and he got 5 stings!) But sorted.. :cool:
  9. Heather

    want a swarm??

    sorted thanks.. but BBKA website swarm collectors a 20 mile radius of no beekeepers from Lymm..
  10. Heather

    want a swarm??

    Wednesday 2.30 Anyone in Lymm Cheshire area want a swarm call me 01825 722066
  11. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Only killed 1 bee. - Queen! other queen , though foul, is being useful in an Obs hive, temporarily.
  12. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Update .. Bo**ocks.. " 2 people stung about 100yds from my hives. My hives are not on my land, and the owner has now insisted I remove all asap!! I did explain that there was a queen problem I was rectifying as fast as possible.... carnolian queens arrive tomorrow.....but decision made. Hey ho...
  13. Heather

    Is this the swarmiest spring ever?

    Oh yes, usually explain they are temporary, safe and good learning feature. Some agree to keep, others insist I remove so I end up with extra bird boxes. One knuckledragger insisted I remove every bumble bee from his birdbox, which he insisted remained...and It was apparently MY JOB I...
  14. Heather

    Introducing a caged queen

    Split, so one of the hives is queenright.. give them a frame of young brood from other hive (shake bees off). It will help in the interim till new queen delivered.
  15. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Hmmmm... already killed mad queen from one colony and put other mad queen into a observation hive Nuc as just been reminded am to give a talk next month and usually take a sealed hive.
  16. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    I will put queen into brood box (still caged) return to original site and add original supers... hoping they still remember each other after 2 days apart!!
  17. Heather

    Does noise annoy bees?

    I had a neighbour that had a sit-on- lawnmower, and the bees from over a hedge about 8' away stung him. The vibration through the ground did upset them... I moved my bees as he reacted badly - medically not emotionally, bless him..
  18. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Just a point to ponder. When introducing new queens in a cage, I have always release accompanying workers to leave her alone in the cage.. Other beekeepers told me unnecessary, leave all in cage, will be fine.. Your thoughts??
  19. Heather

    suggestions before petrol!

    Well that went well.. had a buddy help me as bees so foul.. and supers needed lifting.. Moved hive to far end of the stand- with decent space between. New floor on old site, supers back to original site with flyers from hell.. cb and new roof.. Turned BB 180d - flyers went to supers. Brood box...
  20. Heather

    Is this the swarmiest spring ever?

    Yep, been on call for BBKA swarm help line. Mostly Brum area. Nil below London.. Had a beautiful lady phoned ..' there were some bees in my kitchen yesterday, but I didn't mind. Today they re all over my work surface, kettle, walls etc... not afraid , but am 90 yrs old and want a cup of tea'...