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  1. merylvingien

    Do swallows eat bees?

    Who cares if they do? I mean cmon, those poor old birds have flown 6000 miles to get here, give em a break... Try walking 6000 miles and tell me you wouldnt want a nice Tbone steak and a portion of chips, onion rings and garlic mushrooms, peas, peri peri sauce and a lincolnshire sausage to top...
  2. merylvingien

    Call the UN a horse box has arrived

    :D Sam, i thought i had armed you several months ago!!!! But you turned them into nice bees instead LOL
  3. merylvingien

    How low can they get

    Bloody hell, thats a bit ****, but people will steal anything these days!!!! I remember when i was a keeper turning up to the estate entrance one morning to find the lovely cut grass all dug up down the drive. They obviously didnt chain it down tight enough... Theiving barstuards!
  4. merylvingien

    Vortex Bee Escape Board

    I also made one of these after seeing the photos. Very impressed with how quick they clear, within a few hours - SORTED!!!
  5. merylvingien

    ideas for hedgerows dirty weekend in the smoke

    I was up there last weekend, the best advise i can give you is: dont bother! London is a **** hole, end of story...
  6. merylvingien

    posible hedgerow pete on watch dog??

    Hey hold your horses there a moment fella. Your making out that folk like myself are ripping off old ladies. Well i can tell you for FACT that i do no such thing. I am in business to make a living, and a living i will damn well make. Just because my living happens to be something that is...
  7. merylvingien

    Honey Bees on Springwatch 7.30 tonight

    Apparently she isn’t averse to getting her kit off which is always a plus!
  8. merylvingien

    posible hedgerow pete on watch dog??

    Welcome to my world :D In the spring, i get somewhere close to a hundred plus calls for beeswarms which turn out to be bumbles. Also LOTS of dimwits phone and say i have a wasp nest, BUMBLE BEES!!!! I have a fairly comprehensive website which explains in detail with photos the different...
  9. merylvingien

    my first attempt...happy bees!

    Not really, its just a lump of wood, if i need to adjust it, i make a different size lump of wood. It dont get any more simple, i like simple :D
  10. merylvingien

    heated solar wax extractor !

    I didnt realise that people eat soap! Ah well, nout as queer as folk....
  11. merylvingien

    Swarm & colony survival in the wild

    If the world was normal i would agree with your ideals, as naturally pest species such as varoa would take many years to become established. The bees would have time to become acustomed to this and like the borg "adapt". The worlds problems apart from over population (dont get me started on...
  12. merylvingien

    my first attempt...happy bees!

    I dunno, mine turn out half ok!
  13. merylvingien

    confused, what strength syrup

    Is this a forum romance? LOL Bloody hell, and there i was spending all money on match dot com :D
  14. merylvingien

    heated solar wax extractor !

    Tell me about it!!! I was intending to save my wax for a deal on foundation, till the girlfreind realised that you can make **** out of it, candles and soap, blimey, i need 400 hives to keep her in business :D
  15. merylvingien


    Possibly where a swarm has been previously and moved a few feet away! I had a swarm stay for two weeks recently and they moved to several different locations within that two week period, but never more than a few meters at a time. When they got low enough i boxed them! Saves going oop ladder :D
  16. merylvingien

    Queen introduction advice?

    What everyone else has said about the slow method. Ive lost 3 out 4 queens by trying to rush things recently, expensive mistake that i will learn from. That said, my bees are total gits that really should have thier throats slit a birth.
  17. merylvingien

    Noise from the hive...

    Sam, queens piping is a very obvious noise, a single bee making a loud high pitched noise. Once you eard it, you wont doubt yourself. Its a very distinctive noise above the usual background noise of a normal reasonable calm hive. When you first hear it, it will make you think "whats wrong with...
  18. merylvingien

    Extracting Bees From a Chimney?

    No they havent, but they are called smoke generators now and you can only buy them if you have the relevant qualifications, rightly so. I wouldnt light a smoke generator inside a house that was lived in. Professional suicide.
  19. merylvingien

    Bees in a box

    Do it look like this? :D
  20. merylvingien

    False wasp nest?

    Ive already done several lots of "twin" wasp nests this year, got some great HD footage of them too. The waspinator is utter crap. So, you buy a waspinator and you dont get a wasp nest. It must have worked??? I would say that you wouldnt have a got one anyway. Ive done loads of twins and lots of...