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  1. R

    Frame nails or staples? And splitting of side bars.

    That's my point, staples are usually galvanised, panel pins come in bright steel, BZP or galvanised. So there is no need to buy expensive gimp pins when galvanised or BZP panel pins will do. Stapling is very quick and easy, particularly with an electric stapler and it puts 2 thin fixings into...
  2. R

    Frame nails or staples? And splitting of side bars.

    Why are staples a no no? They are easy to use with a gun and can easily be removed with pliers to change foundation if you need to. They are no more likely to corrode than nail gun brads or gimp pins. Putting frames together with staples is far quicker than hammering nails. Also does anyone...
  3. R

    painting a poly hive

    The polystyrene used within polyhives is the same across all manufacturers in the UK, the only difference is the density and some use dye in the poly. The polystyrene is the same, and will react in the same way to paints. All of the suppliers have recommendations on painting, however, ITLD...
  4. R

    Lanstroth V National hive

    Don't confuse the number of posts someone has to their name as whether they are a beginner or not. The figure comes from a series of phone calls to the major hive manufacturers in the UK asking them approximately what percentage of the different types of hives they sold. The figures were all...
  5. R

    Lanstroth V National hive

    14x12 or commercial are about the same as a brood and a half and are still compatible with most of your existing kit, and the kit of most beekeepers. Only around 5% of hives in the UK are Langstroth, although they tend to be grouped into areas where they are popular.
  6. R

    Beekeeping on Mr Bloom!

    I was watching Cbeebies with my two little ones this afternoon and they had a pretty good feature on beekeeping on Mr Blooms Nursery.!_Joans_Throne/ From 6 minutes onward. Who says all childrens TV is...
  7. R

    What colour is your bee suit?

    Plain white, very esay to see any bees sitting on your back, or your bum, before you drive off. I have a van with tinted windows in the back and they make great "bee mirrors" sitting on a lost bee is not a great experience when driving. Ross
  8. R

    Feral Bees- Catherine Thompson

    As for polystyrene to challenge a few of the points raised earlier, the blowing gas for polystrene is not a CFC these were banned years ago. It is now blown using pentane. Lemon tea does dissolve polystyrene, the lemon oil (which is an organic solvent, in the chemical sense of the words)...
  9. R

    Feral Bees- Catherine Thompson

    I was at her talk to BIPCo and to clarify some of her points, the colonies which she surveyed were all reported "feral" colonies that had been in existance for years. She specifically requested beekeepers informed her of colonies that had aparently been in existance continually for a very long...
  10. R

    which poly

    Definitely only use water based paint for poly hives, you can get water based gloss and floor paint too which are suitable. Any paint which uses VOCs is likely to melt any polystyrene when it is painted on. The same goes for using fillers etc to repair any danage. Ross
  11. R

    What makes a top bar hive more natural beekeeping?

    :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2:
  12. R

    What makes a top bar hive more natural beekeeping?

    I am interested in opinions on why the top bar hive is considered to be more natural than traditional beekeeping? I use poly hives and was accosted today by a top bar hive beekeeper who was quite forceful in their opinion on poly hives being the root of all evil. I can see the arguement for...
  13. R

    Which is the best beekeeping book?

    +1 for a Practical Manual of Beekeeping by David Cramp, it is really easy to read and easy to follow. Probably a good text if English isn't your first language. Also his beekeepers field guide is easy to read. Hooper is a bit of a struggle to read even if you speak English! It might be the...
  14. R

    to oxalic or not to oxalic

    I did my Varroa treatment last week, I'm glad I waited, the snow and cold snap gave me a broodless period and could treat all my hives with no problems. Down in Cornwall particularly in poly hives it is often warm enough that the Queen doesn't really go out of lay. The bees were clam, although...
  15. R

    to oxalic or not to oxalic

    Anyone got any ideas of how late I can leave it to oxalic my bees. The plan was to have them done in the last few days but I slipped a disc and can't lift anything. Plus the drugs I am on mean I can't drive ( I can barely type at the moment!) Is late better than nothing or better to not...
  16. R

    Clean Polynuc hive

    Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but re-reading this thread the question of how to sterilise poly hives (argued over extensively in the earlier posts of the thread) has been set out definitively in a Bee Base publication. "Hive Cleaning and Sterilisation" is quoted occasionally on the...
  17. R

    Giving a talk on Poly Hives - Need evidence

    Hi Simon, I gave a talk on poly hives a couple of weeks ago, I put together some documents on poly hives as hand outs, most is ancedotal. PM me if you would like them. Ross
  18. R

    Natural beekeeping on countryfile

    I agree that there is no one right way to keep bees, and that there are many differences of opinion about how and what should be done with bees. As long as the bees are healthy and you are happy you should get on with however, you choose. I would draw the line on making honey, which is...
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    Honey Liquefier

    :iagree: I have just finished helping a friend convert an old freezer with a light bulb and small thermostat. Cost him about £10 in parts (plus a few ciders:p)
  20. R

    Good book for beginners - recommendations please.

    +1 for David Cramp, very easy book to read and it doesn't assume any prior knowledge, Hooper is more technical (if somewhat dated) more difficult to read and assumes a higher level of knowledge. I read Cramps book in a couple of days cover to cover it is an easy read easy to understand and...