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  1. Rosti

    Video, refractometer basics

  2. Rosti

    Swarm Arrival Video - Take II

    We have, but the key is to act responsibly and not to abuse it! I generally only bait hive at home with perhaps 1 colony in residence at any one time and any hint of aggression and they are off down the apiary. No incidents in 4 years, long may it continue.
  3. Rosti

    Divine providence ?

    Similar Skyhook, having moved all bees to my out apiary, my wife and kids (who don't participate) have complained they can't watch the bees so I now have a single colony back in the garden, so my passive board of directors can monitor my/their performance :biggrinjester: I also run my bait hive...
  4. Rosti

    Swarm Arrival Video - Take II

    I've had a look at your green bin video Mike, I hadn't paid it any attention but you are right there are similarities between the two swarms with a minority of bees moving in a 'mechanical' rapid way. No idea why though? Your thoughts on pheromone stimulus is certainly a possibility.
  5. Rosti

    swarm disease prevention

    :iagree: Board in and monitor (board in of course also helps with hive temperature and wax generation/drawing), if you can see a significant drop (that rate of drop will depend on the size of the swarm) then treat. If I treat then I do so as soon as I see eggs being laid. I wont treat until the...
  6. Rosti

    See through cover board

    I use 5mm polycarb/perspex on my nuc's to make progress judgement based on frames in use easy with minimal intervention. No top ventilation!!! Never seen condensation (spring / summer / autumn only). My nucs are OMF and I assume that the air flow to the hive sides and down takes any moisture...
  7. Rosti

    Cloudy honey

    My spring honey has a high OSR proportion. It has now set, but in doing so it goes from a very free flowing slightly yellow liquid, through to cloudy white, through to fully set (off white with a hint of yellow). It may be that there was enough OSR within 2.5 miles or so to convay some diluted...
  8. Rosti

    Swarm Arrival Video - Take II

    Crikey! I am out of touch, can you dowse for P now? I suppose if you find it you are allowed to take it :)
  9. Rosti

    Bees for free - Yorkshire

    HB, I have passed on the last swarm already, but I have no problem re-baiting again. Please pm me with your contact details incl mobile and let's discuss what frame format you'd like. May as well go for a hat trick since the bait hive seems to be an apis babe magnet this year.
  10. Rosti

    Swarm Arrival Video - Take II

    I recently posted a video of a swarm arrival at a bait hive (13-06), I re-set the bait hive the following day. Then followed a couple of days of bad weather; a couple of days of increasing scout activity and then yesterday (20-06), bingo. Fifth take on this bait hive so far this year and having...
  11. Rosti

    Beekeeper food processing registration

    As with Baggyone & Veg, I am registered with my local food safety team. Painless, cost free and no complications (to date) None of us produce honey with the intent of causing others a problem, but what if someone who purchases your honey see's you as an opportunity to 'make money' via a claim...
  12. Rosti

    just an update swarm from tonybloke

    Worth checking varroa drop - which can be done without intervention of course. If high then you have an opportunity to OA treat in a window between the queen being mated and the first cells being sealed. (I would leave well alone under any circumstances until queen is mated)
  13. Rosti

    wax glands ( photos)

    Great capture Keith, congratulations. R
  14. Rosti

    Bees for free - Yorkshire

    Three swarms in the bait hive so far this year and first free colony delivered. My needs have also been met now so I am prepared to re-set the trap to help another new beek since there is a fair bit of the season left. Would the two people on the reserved list please contact me with an update on...
  15. Rosti

    hot air gun for uncapping

    Having tried various methods I am an advocate of the hot air gun and have used it exclusively for the last 3 years, without re-gurgitating all the for and againsts above, my observations would be: It is contact time not heat that causes problems It is the potential for uneven treatment that...
  16. Rosti

    Environmental health visit

    ......... Hence recommendation to fill to minimum in my summary :banghead: But there was a question to be answered about illegal over weights as well.....
  17. Rosti

    Environmental health visit

    Easy answer: 'Yes' you are doing much more than direct sale from your front door. Contact local council food safety team, request and complete a registration form.
  18. Rosti

    Environmental health visit

    In strict terms both sides of this argument are correct, but correct depending on which pack weight compliance model you are working to (minimum weight or average weight). Minimum Weight In the event that you are working to (and can demonstrate) that all packs sold comply with minimum weight...
  19. Rosti

    How long is a honey bees stinger?

    The attached is at x400 I took a while back, on that basis it makes the full sting length (tip to base of sack) 1.8mm - based on a physical sample of 1!
  20. Rosti


    Agreed, but if you are going to be selective in treatment (and why not?) then by definition there has to be close monitoring. If you can't monitor then treat with OA by default given there isn't a chance of building varroa resistance given it's a physical rather than metabolic intervention. Do...